View Full Version : Opening Day in Michigan
10-01-2005, 12:34 PM
well, its 1:30 in the afternoon, and shame on me, haven't even been into the woods yet. I'll be off in a few minutes, and we will see what happens. Opening day to me is bittersweet kind of. On one hand, I can't wait to get into the woods with my bow. On the other hand, it is 75 degrees out!!!
Well, if a great shot is presented, who am I to pass it up:cool:
Details later tonight....
I'm not slinging arrows this year and its killin' me not to be in the woods today (but the BIG GAME will have to suffice for this year)
Have told a couple of buds to call me if they need help tracking ! Hope the phone rings
10-02-2005, 05:28 AM
Good luck LoneWolf!!!
We're outa here today, headed for the sunny south. I'm told the weather is supposed to warm up again so we might have to find a butcher right away if we tag something this week. :rolleyes:
Cya all in a week! :D
10-02-2005, 09:37 AM
So far, no luck.
Yesterday afternoon I located a new area in the state land I hunt on. It was near a small lake, and plenty of trails near the edges. Real thick stuff all around, but found a small little opening I could get my climber into, and have a few select shooting areas. I had picked up a gallon jug of this stuff called "Buck Jam", but didn't cart it out with me last night. I sat from 3:00 till dark without seeing anything, which didn't surprise me too much. I think this spot is going to be a better morning stand.
Went out this morning, and took the "Jam" along with me. Dumped a little bit onto the ground, and climbed my tree. Was set and ready by a little past 6:30am. It started to lighten up a little around 7:05, with sunrise stated at 7:34am. At 7:15, I saw a shape do a head bob coming out into the opening. Was able to get my bow and stand, but the deer was very skittish and didn't want to come out into the little opening. There were 3 goose hunters about 400 yards away on the lake, might have had it a little wary. Anyways, it never did come out into the opening for a shot, but it had my heart pumpin good. God, I love bowhunting and that feeling.
Made of few more spots of jam around the area, and packed it up for the day. I'll have to wait until next weekend to give it another shot, but it should help settle it down some.
How is every one else doing so far?
10-02-2005, 08:43 PM
lone wolf sounds like you have had better luck then me i didnt get out till today i didnt see anything.
10-02-2005, 11:46 PM
Sat for probably 6 hours saturday and saw nothing but squirrels. Went out this afternoon, and saw a younger doe and her fawn (also a doe). The doe passed at about 15 yards, the little one came within 5 yards. Let them both go, because I was primarily scouting, and had to work tonight (wouldn't have had enough time to take care of a dead deer). I'm gonna try to get back there next weekend, and shoot one.
10-03-2005, 10:55 AM
As for me on my first bowhunting experience, I was out from about 6:45 to 11:00. In that time I only saw four deer, all antlerless, and none close enough for me to get a good shot. Didn't see anything after 10:00. But I did get a nice fox squirrel with a field pointed arrow that I brought along!
We'll see what "next time" brings....
10-08-2005, 03:04 PM
lone wolf i just got in frome 3 days of hunting i can say the rut is on by me now yesterday morn i seen nine deer 2 of witch were bucks the bigger buck was chaseing dows and grunting.
I also have a couple active scrapes and i missed the smaller buck
he was the only deer besides a button that offered me a shot.
I am heading out first thing in morn for 2 more days the sister is getting marryed so i had to come home and do the family thing.
trees are real hard on broad heads
10-09-2005, 09:43 AM
Glad your seeing them Wrench. I went out this morning, and all I saw was moron hunters. Gotta love state land.:mad:
At aout 8am, a father and son came trouncing thru looking for a place to goose hunt. They had 1 decoy and an inner tube :rolleyes: . They proceeded to walk back and forth all over the woods. Stayed in my stand hoping they might just spook something up. notta
Thenat 8:40, in walks another 2 guys. One carrying a shotgun, the other carrying a map. Talking loud as can be, in a foreign language. As near as I could tell they were goose hunting too. In blaze orange hats and vests:confused:
Decided to let them pass silently, afraid if I moved they might shoot me. After they were far enough away, I came down, packed up my stand and left.
Obviously, I need to find another spot next weekend.
10-10-2005, 12:22 PM
I was out Saturday morning with my nephew. We both saw a couple does up close. The deer I saw was a young doe with a fawn. Could have taken either but decided against it after the fawn got a little drink of mommy's milk.
I was hunting the edge of a standing cornfield and cut bean field.
We are supposed to be the only ones hunting this property.
Daylight came and I saw a large (3 to 4 foot diameter) red spot in the leaves not 10 yards from my stand.
When I got down it was a bloody spot. It was still tacky. It wasn't there on Friday morning. Seems someone slipped in Friday evening and took one.
10-10-2005, 02:24 PM
lonewolf i am back i didnt get out first thing sunday to many beers sat nite a sisters wedding.
Sunday nite i saw 5 does one buck on the way out i put a stalk on a nice dow i got to about 75 yards and a yearling busted me that was bedded in the tall grass about 20 yards away i didnt see the yearling.
monday morn i took my son with me a doe was walking in i wispered to him here comes a deer he turned to look and we were busted lol he looks at me and says will it be comeing back.
10-10-2005, 07:40 PM
Way too cool Wrenchman! How old is your son?
10-10-2005, 08:37 PM
He is 13 i have had him out small game hunting offtin this was the first time he was interested in going bow hunting with me.
I have pics of him with a deer my brother inlaw killed sat nite it was still hanging when we got there sunday.
I think he will be bow hunting with me next year i am looking at bows for him.
I am also thinking of bow hunting the u.p for a week next year
i started out hunting the big woods and miss it.
10-10-2005, 08:55 PM
My boy turns 12 this Feb. He wants to go bad already, but he needs some more practice time with his bow. Not having that time in... my fault not his.:rolleyes:
I bought him a bow that goes up to 40lbs, I'll see how he does with it this coming summer and decide then if he is ready.
The UP is fun to hunt, but there is just so much land, and its such a trek there and back. Do you hunt private land, or public up there?
10-11-2005, 05:29 PM
I hunt privat and state in the up we own 40 acres in the up the family spinds a lot of time there in the sumer some of it is on south manistiq lake.
we lease property in southern part by perry mich .
I have hunted opening week in the u.p. were i was probely the only one hunting for about a mile and had doe permits.
If you look around gould city there are lots of areas to hunt and permission is easy to come buy in the u.p.
I quit hunting up there as much as i yoused to becouse of the treck also so i know what you mean drive for 8 hours and feal the road hum for 2 hours.
10-11-2005, 05:46 PM
Wrenchman, do you live in Perry?
I'm over in Howell, and work in Durand. We might be neighbors:D
10-11-2005, 07:44 PM
I live in dearborn hights
south end of Auburn Hills here :D
10-12-2005, 05:10 PM
hmmm, we are all within 50 miles of each other and still haven't met????
First cold, adult beverage is on me guys! When and where?
how 'bout DejaVu
at least Big Buck Brewery ??? (before they go out of business)
10-14-2005, 08:11 PM
just about any place is good for me we just need to work out a time and date.
10-15-2005, 09:52 PM
lets do it.
meanwile, I'm hunting a new spot in the morning. Keep your fingers crossed
10-16-2005, 06:57 AM
Not butt in on ya'lls conversation..but Lilred was in that Big Buck Brewery place...we had supper there once when my hubby took me to see that big bridge that goes to the UP. First time I ever saw trees that grew in sand...crazy..anyways..a word to the wise fer short people eatin at the big buck will have to ask fer a piller to sit on such as I did :o
They dont bring yer gravy on yer taters either..they put in a genie lamp. Even crazier...
10-16-2005, 12:29 PM
hey red when was the last time you were in the great lake state
some of the best fishing is in the u.p but i like to catch pike.
...any luck yet ?
Where is everyone hunting for the gun opener ?
11-07-2005, 07:25 PM
No, nothing yet. And I am probably done till after gun season. I had a spike chase a doe by me two weekends ago. No shot opportunity.
This past Saturday morning another buck and doe chasing each other around at 7am. Tried to get the doe to stop, everything right down to a "hey". She stopped... with only her ehad showing from around a tree.:rolleyes:
She walks off, and I hear the buck a grunting looking for her still. He came back by me, grunting and lip curling. By this point I will freely admit to the jitters starting pretty good.:D
I put a shot at him at about 30 yrds, but shot just under him. Not sure how still, but I did it. He just looked around and stalked off with his head to the ground searching for his doe. Wasn't the out come I was looking for, but it felt good to get the heart pumping like that again.:)
For gun season, I'll be up just south of Grayling the first week. Where is everyone else gonna be?
most likely
also have a M-S hunt camp get together to try and stop by at as well.
only have a few days to hunt the beginning of the season....then will be gone until ML season
11-07-2005, 09:24 PM
Over by perry i will be heading out and catching the last 2 days before guns go off then i will be up for gun seasen for the week.
I am hopeing to have some back straps and garlic and butter for diner nov 15 in camp
11-10-2005, 12:29 PM
Managed to get out opening morning Bow,then had to go to work that afternoon.Got home Sunday afternoon and headed back out,took a shot at a nice doe and she jumped the string and crouched almost to her belly,the arrow sailed right over her back and hit a young doe that was standing behind her.She went about 100 yards and crumbled. I was sick with the fact that she was just a young un.Got back to the house that evening and me and the wife decided to seperate(more me than her)and since then have done no hunting at all.Went out today and decided to set up a ground blind for gun season,gonna try it again with the 44 ruger redhawk.After the seperation I lost all interest in hunting this year but since moving up to Houghton Lake I have settled down a bit and at the urging of my mom I'm gonna give it a try. Best of luck to everyone this season.:)
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