Red Dot
10-02-2005, 12:42 AM
I am reloading .223 Brass, and using a Lee Auto Prime to prime the brass, I can't hardly get some the brass out of the shellholder after priming.
BHA Match and Winchester Brass
1. Cases have been reloaded about 4 times
2. It makes no difference whether I full size or not.
3. "New brass goes in and out freely. Will rotate freely."
4. Some measure over .002" difference at the rim between the high and low spots. "The Case is not out of round"
5. The Brass is definately distorted, I dont know if it is caused by using too much force seating the primer, or not, I am probably causing the distortion myself.
BHA Match and Winchester Brass
1. Cases have been reloaded about 4 times
2. It makes no difference whether I full size or not.
3. "New brass goes in and out freely. Will rotate freely."
4. Some measure over .002" difference at the rim between the high and low spots. "The Case is not out of round"
5. The Brass is definately distorted, I dont know if it is caused by using too much force seating the primer, or not, I am probably causing the distortion myself.