View Full Version : Minnesota opener

M.T. Pockets
10-03-2005, 10:07 AM
My elk hunting buddies came out for a weekend of duck & goose hunting. They have a couple of Go-Devil boats, I made them walk out in a little slough instead and we had a great duck shoot, each got our 4 ducks in about 2 hours. We had a couple young boys with that got a lot of good shooting over decoys and we had an all around great hunt.

Next day we weren't up to fighting the mud in the slough again, and felt we had enough ducks to last us til the big mallards come down, so we took the two Go-Devils to another nearby slough with a boat landing and put out a spread of goose decoys. We got a flock of four in and got them all.

Best part of the hunt was watching the boys handle themselves in the slough. Nice to have some young backs to help carry too.

Packer Backer
10-03-2005, 02:38 PM
Looks like a great day! Hope you have many more to come.

10-03-2005, 03:36 PM
To cool! :cool: You guys are shooting ducks already. We start on the 22nd here on the left coast.

Hey, what was your duck limit and season date set at this year? Here we got Oct 22 thru the last Sunday in January, 7 bird limit, 5 Mallards (only 1 hen). We picked up a dark goose too, from 3 to 4.

M.T. Pockets
10-03-2005, 04:56 PM
Minnesota's duck season runs from 10/1 - 11/29. Many years I'm ice fishing by then, but once in a while we can get a few days of good hunting in mid-late November.

4 ducks, only one can be a hen mallard. Geese; Canada's are 1 daily in my zone. (5 in the early season, the next week down to 1). Snow geese are 20, but I'll bet there aren't 20 harvested all season within 50 miles of where I hunt. Anyway, I'm fine with these limits and season dates.