View Full Version : 26" or 28" barrel

Packer Backer
10-03-2005, 02:13 PM

If your season has started, I hope it is going well.

I have a question and need to take a poll, if you don't mind. I have the rare opportunity to buy a Beretta Extrema2 for under wholesale. So, needless to say, I'm gonna do it. :D I have opted for the Black Synthetic with Kick-Off, but I don't know what size barrel I should buy, 26" or 28". I will be hunting these species, listed in the order of frequency......duck, pheasant, goose, turkey.

Can you help me? Your opinions are valuable to my decision.


10-03-2005, 03:29 PM
Sounds like a great deal for a great gun. Barrel length will not offer any difference in pattern quality, range, or accuracy and becomes more of a factor in the swing of the gun. I have always had 28" barrels on my guns but that has always been model specific. For me, the Extrema is a bit on the heavy side at the forend and in playing with that gun the few times that I have, the 26" barrel has been my preference. In reality I could live with either if I had to.

10-03-2005, 05:13 PM
Well here comes the second opinon for what is worth. I'd opt for the 28" barrel. Gives you two things longer sight radius and a smoother swing. The swing is more important fpr waterfowl and pheasants. Turkeys 2"s more of barrel lenght may be a slight hinderence in heavy brush, as it might be for grouse. But for all around hunting and some clay shooting the 28" is better in my opinion. Been playing with shotguns over 50 years and have gone back to the longer barrels.

10-03-2005, 09:05 PM
I just got thex-trema 2 in 28" and IMHO it is a wounderfull shooting gun. you will not be dissapointed.

10-04-2005, 09:51 AM
Packer Backer,
After watching last nights game I think 26" would allow you to shoot yourself better. I doubt if you tell them your a Packer fan if they will allow you to have a gun right now.
Seriously, I'd go with the 28" for the use you've stated. IMHO

10-04-2005, 10:46 PM
Get the 26 inch. The receiver is 2 1/4 inches longer and also wider top to bottom than a regular 391. Shooting out of a pit or blind the 26 will be easier. Pheasants will be just fine and the turkeys you can even go shorter. Mine is a 24 incher and it does just fine. The sighting plane of a 26 in bbl will look the same as a 28 inch bbl and you'll be able to swing a little easier. BTW my Extrema shoots 1 ounce target loads. Think you'll like it.

Fabs BPS has the SBE II in black and camo with the comfort tech stock for a sale price and they even give ya a case of shells with the gun. I got one tonight in black and will be doing a test on it that I will print up in Scatterguns. Check 'em out Fabs. Going Going ....G... :D :D BTW...get their in house credit card and they'll give ya 10% off. Not the Bass Pro card...an in house credit card just for that store.:eek: :cool:

As a Post script. If there are any firefighters here on board.. In at least the Baltimore BPS they will give firefighters a 10% discount till the end of October. Other areas check with your local Bass Pro Shops. Have to show your badge or Fire Dept ID.. At least that is what I was told by one of the people who should know.

Packer Backer
10-05-2005, 11:24 AM
TJ -

You are right, it would be easier to reach the trigger on a shorter barrel pointed at me :D I think I'll change my screen name to Packer's R Hackers......... okay everyone, watch out as I jump off this band wagon!

Thanks for all of the advice on the barrel length. I had my mind set on the 28", but after reading all of your comments, and talking to some people, I have ordered the 26". All of my other shotguns are 28", so I thought I'd try something different for a change. Regardless, it should be a little more pleasurable shooting the Beretta than my trusty Mossy 835 (although I still love her):)

10-05-2005, 03:25 PM
Hmmm as I look into my crystalball I see a trip to PBS in the very near future for that firefighter 10% discount:D . Thanks for the heads up on that one Skeet.

10-05-2005, 07:45 PM
Looking at my crystal ball, I see myself becoming a firefighter so that I can get the additional 10% discount.


You know I have been mulling over buying the SBE II, but I had just convinced myself that I didn't actually need it because my current SBE is doing just fine and the recoil is a lot less now that I have the reducer in the stock.

Plus, I have a 20 ga. 391 for upland hunting when carrying a heavier gun would be a pain.

I think I am going to pass on the SBE II, but you can let me shoot a couple rounds out of yours if we ever get together to hunt this season. I am going to used the saved money to buy an AR-10, and possibly a Ruger MKII VT .25-06. I have two other guns on the purchase list, but that probably won't happen this year.

Packer Backer,

The 26" barrel should be just fine. I have one shotgun, a Browning BPS, with a 26" barrel, and I also have a 30" barrel for that gun. I never really noticed the difference between any of the barrel lengths on any of my barrels, and I have shotgun barrels ranging from 26" to 34".

Have a good time with the new gun.