View Full Version : Oal

10-04-2005, 02:16 PM
Hi, guys at the moment im testing 90grn lapua scenars in my 243,
but not to much luck ive set them all the way from 5thou off the lands to 25thou off, what i am now looking at is seating them to touch the lands and 5 thou into the lands,
but doi need to reduce lthe powder measure ,
im currently using fed210m, lapua case, 44grn vhit n160,
any help would be gratfull thanks mark

Cal Sibley
10-04-2005, 09:38 PM
I take it you're putting your bullet as far in the chamber as it will go then backing off slightly. The reason I'm asking is all the Scenars I've used (especially in 6.5) are very long. Don't go by suggested lengths given in reloading manuals, use only actual measurements you've taken with Stoney Point OAL guage or other method. Best wishes.

Cal - Montreal

10-05-2005, 11:42 AM
Cal Sibley im using a stoney point oal gauge,
and im now thinking of backing the load down 4grn, and seatin them into the lands, ill keep you posted
thanks mark