View Full Version : Snow !?

10-05-2005, 11:36 AM
Well when I got up this morning there was a foot of wet snow on the ground and more coming. We need this real bad and besides I have a lion tag to fill and need to track them.

10-05-2005, 12:01 PM

snowing like all get out here to. fritz was doing his snowplow immitation doing laps around the backyard. sticks his nose in the snow and runs for all he is worth. it was a blast watching him. snow was flying everywhere.

be careful driving out there today.

10-05-2005, 07:21 PM
LOL that would be funny to see. I talked with my son in Rapid and they got very little snow .

10-05-2005, 11:53 PM
Nulle, I seen Belle Fourche just made it on CNN. They said you guys got 24" of snow. Whether it's 12 or 24. That's still a lot of snow this time of year. I don't envy you on your lion tag. Don't think that I could keep up with them. I do wish you lots of luck with it though and hope you can post a few pics when the season is over. I also hope you get the chance to get out and run them dogs of yours soon. That way you can give us the low down on the birds. Take care and be safe.

Billy have you had a chance to get out with your dog? How is he doing? And I don't mean by plowing snow. Lol, that's funny.

10-06-2005, 09:44 AM
Billy D.,

Have you ever asked yourself why your dog is outside running around in circles? I think you have him watching too much Indy car racing.

By the way, how many open wheeled car leagues are there? I have been watching the Speed channel a lot recently because I have gotten tired of OLN and there seems to be Indy, Cart, and Formula 1. Am I missing any of them?


Good luck on the lion hunt.

10-06-2005, 12:02 PM
Originally posted by gspsonny03
Nulle, I seen Belle Fourche just made it on CNN. They said you guys got 24" of snow. Whether it's 12 or 24. That's still a lot of snow this time of year. I don't envy you on your lion tag. Don't think that I could keep up with them. I do wish you lots of luck with it though and hope you can post a few pics when the season is over. I also hope you get the chance to get out and run them dogs of yours soon. That way you can give us the low down on the birds. Take care and be safe.

Billy have you had a chance to get out with your dog? How is he doing? And I don't mean by plowing snow. Lol, that's funny.

oh yeah, we been working on the wing tied to a fly line. he has no trouble finding game. great nose. he likes to run in and demolish everything before it even flushes. had to start using a check cord. actually i need training more than he does. when i had my lab he required almost no training. but i didn't use him for finding or flushing birds either. he was nothing but a retriever.

found out something interesting the other day. i borrowed my neighbors dogzapper collar. put it on fritz. he was a whole different dog. when we were working i didn't even have to use the zapper portion, all i used was the pager. i would be willing to bet a dollar to a doughnut nulle didn't didn't train fritz with a collar. somebody else did and they did a lousy job. so most of fritz's training so far has been to unlearn bad habits. i went and ordered a training collar for him, the 880 volt special. :eek:
he's a typical german, hardheaded and stubborn, but so am i so we get along fine. one strange thing is he doesn't like to retrieve. but we will work on that bad habit.

the bird population looks good so far. more sharptails than i've seen in a log time and partrige have really bounced back. in certain ares pheasants are everywhere.

10-06-2005, 12:34 PM
Originally posted by fabsroman
Billy D.,

Have you ever asked yourself why your dog is outside running around in circles? I think you have him watching too much Indy car racing.

By the way, how many open wheeled car leagues are there? I have been watching the Speed channel a lot recently because I have gotten tired of OLN and there seems to be Indy, Cart, and Formula 1. Am I missing any of them?


Good luck on the lion hunt.


we have world of outlaws and several different types/classes of open wheel racing here in the states. fia has different classes of open wheel in europe, thats where danica was studying before she raced here in the states. she was under the tutelage of lynn st. james school. i couldn't tell you whether she won any championships over there or not.

i was a big fan of fia racing when i was stationed in germany. i was at the nurburgring the day nikki lauda crashed his car and almost died from his injuries. he is a brave man and overcame his injuries but never raced again. the old nurburgring was a very dangerous track because it was so long and totally a road course. veeeeeeeeeery fast track. since that time it has been shortened and they have posted more safety crews. that didn't help nikki though. i wasn't a fan of his, but i don't like seeing people get hurt or worse.

i was a fan of the elf tyrell in those days, and the john player special team. both ran cosworth engines. foooooooooord. the elf team was a rarity. they had 4 front wheels. this was an improvement to lower aerodynamic drag and aid handling. it worked, almost. the car was faster, but tire changes were a sob so it was diminishing return. they gained time but lost more time on tire changes. only lasted a season. jody schecter was there main driver then. he later died at the sa gran prix. i think his brother or some other relative is driving in the irl. i know they are related but i don't know the connection.

by thy way .................i still think danica is finer than frog fur.;)

10-06-2005, 05:25 PM
Yeah, the other rookie was almost keeping up to Danica until he almost killed himself. What is his name? Ryan Briscoe or something like that.