View Full Version : head on angles/shoulder shots?

10-05-2005, 12:38 PM
another thing the past few outing have made me wonder about, how reliable is a good fix blade head on something like a head on shot. just curious because last few days out i have had does come right at me or really quartering toward me around 15 yrds. this is or isnt do-able? you folks have confidence in making a recovery? not the best kill zone angle but do you guys get decent penetration on past shots of this sort. i wait for better opps but they just aren't coming!

10-05-2005, 04:36 PM
I am very weary to take those kind of shots....I took a shot like that on a buck a few years ago, only got frontal penetration and it sunk down into its guts with no exit wound...NO blood trail, deer died and I never found it. I will never take that kind of shot again.


10-05-2005, 04:53 PM
like Virgianiashadow, I have taken one shot straight on. To this day I still tell myself I hit her low, and it was a grazing shot. But I tell you, I tracked that deer for nearly a full 24 hours without ever getting her. It is just too risky of a shot, and my recomendation is don't take it.

10-06-2005, 11:55 PM
While I have mixed feelings about this shot, I've done it before. Two years ago my brother and I both killed our bucks with hard quartering toward shots. Range was close (my brother took his buck at 5 yards). The best is a slight angle. Just hold right inside the front shoulder, and you should get an exit at the back of the ribcage on the other side. The most important part of this is be extremely judicious about shot angle and range. 15 or 20 yards should be a maximum. JMHO
