View Full Version : i want to start trapping

model 70
10-07-2005, 02:22 PM
ok, i've decided i want to start trapping. problem is, i don't even know where to begin. what's the easiest, cheapest set-up i can buy or make in case i don't care for it much. i won't be doing alot of trapping. just once in awhile for the odd fur i'll give away for x-mas gifts or to start a collection or different fur bearers. near my home there is everything from creeks and river bottoms to the high country and everything in between. perhaps down the road i'll get into it heavily but for now, i just want to get my feet wet. coons, opposums, bobcats, coyotes and other similar critters are all on the menu. thanks.

10-08-2005, 12:45 AM
Ok First you'll need a couple of traps.
I suggest a farm store or a good hardware store.
All the fur bearers you mention can be held in 1 1/2 coilspring traps.
They are probably the most popular trap today.
Next you need to find where furbearers are hanging out.Its called prospecting.
Go out and look for tracks.
Look where coons or possums cross fences. Climb a bank or go through a culvert.
Then do as my father in law told me he does.
"I just put the trap where the animal will step on it."
If after you catch a few critters you are hopelessly hooked on trapping just sell some of the fur and buy some more traps.
Good Luck

10-08-2005, 07:31 AM
You can git used traps on Ebay too fer a decent price. Sometimes you can git a package deal fer 2-3$ a trap. Wannano's got the size down pat fer ya.
Next you'll need some #22 er better galvanized spikes. You can git em from most any hardware store er Lowes/Home Depot. You might need 2 er 3 to a trap, dependin on what you got available to secure yer trap to. You can also use chain w/ snaps on both ends to secure yer traps round logs & stuff.

Fer bait, you can use a lure er homemade stuff. Fer coon, you can use a can or sardines or even a chunk of cheese. We used to make "butterberries" when i was a youngun from local, wild berries and we'd dip em in warm, melted butter. Then we'd put em back in the fridge so the butter would coat the berries good. Coons love them dern things, caint tell you how many coon my Pop caught on butterberries.

I wouldnt place a trap on a creek bank fer coon..you could wind up breakin a deer's leg er somethin. Find a shallow/sandy/rocky place down in the creekbed to put yer trap.
I love creek bottoms cause almost all game uses em fer travel routes as well as water. Fer fox/bobcat/yote I would place a trap next to a fell log, stumphole or somethin of that nature. Someplace a wounded animal would go to die. Then, go the Wal-Mart and buy a cheap pack of chicken legs er wings to use fer bait. let em sit in the sun a day er 2 so they are good & "ripe" when you place em. Put the bait in a hole er somewheres where it aint that easy to git to. Bobcats, fox and the like are slick..the bait & the trap has to be placed to where they have to step in the trap fore they can git the bait.
You can buy bottled lures fer all of the above too. I buy some from Bill Boatman @ 5$ a pop...they're perty potent.

I caint wait...I got my spots already dug out fer the traps and found some perty good spots. While fishin the river durin the summer, I also got my beady lil eyes on a big ole beaver. I got just the thing fer him ;)

model 70
10-09-2005, 10:05 PM
thanks alot guys. i have been finding places where coons and foxes and bobcats travel alot so location won't be a problem.

as far as the coilspring traps go, how do they work? so i just tie the trap to a single stake or several stakes? do i use rope or chain?

finally, how do i keep bears and deer out of my traps?

10-10-2005, 12:21 PM
Here is a site you ought to check out.

There are others but I don't have time to look them up just now.

Gee I wish I didn't have problems with location.:D

I wouldn't worry about deer or bears just now.
Neither are a particular problem with small foothold traps .
Use as much wire or chain (not rope)as needed for your particular trap location.
I don't use much wire because I don't want the critter to get a running start when its trying to pull out of trap.
I use 18" rebar stakes and only need 1 to hold any critter I trap.It depends on the terrain. Might need 2 stakes in sand.
Good luck

model 70
10-14-2005, 09:56 PM
that's california for ya...

annual trappers license-$82.50

also no boddy gripping traps including steel-leg hold traps, snares or conibears. what else is there?

got to study up the unreadable regs for the 80 question test in order to get a trappers license.

10-16-2005, 06:59 AM
Lilred sings a now banned rendition of "Carry me back to ole Virginnie"......

model 70
10-17-2005, 08:10 AM
so what type of traps are there out there for this heavily regulated state?

10-17-2005, 10:44 AM
Originally posted by model 70
so what type of traps are there out there for this heavily regulated state?

About the only thing left is live trapping.

I don't know a thing about California game laws though.

Most of my bookmarked trapping sites are no longer functional so I don't have anymore personal favorites,but if you google trapping there are lots of places to look.Including unfortunately antis.
Wild about trapping looks to be a interesting site.
Maybe you can participate in one of their forums and ask about california trapping .

best of luck to you

11-01-2005, 10:19 PM
Cage traps.

Might be better for you to visit a neighboring state as the laws are a little less strict.

Now as far as sites to help ya out, the trapperman.com (http://www.trapperman.com) is a very good site.

Now for one of the best internet trapping sites on the web:
Traps4kids (http://www.traps4kids.com) DO NOT let the name fool you. Its for young and old alike. You have to be a registered user to view the forums, but thats so we can keep control over people posting, due to it being kids focused.
TONS of information on the site, from sets, to skinning.

11-02-2005, 12:26 AM
Traps for kids is a good site.

Also a good idea to buy a couple of trapping how to books.
I used to read Fur fish and Game and found those advertisers to be pretty helpful.
I would suggest the more modern books rather then the Hardings books.

Hey toecatch where you from?

11-03-2005, 09:54 PM
Im in the southeast corner. North of Burlington about 3 miles, where you from?

11-03-2005, 11:57 PM
East of Mt Pleasant
Grew up in West Burlington.