View Full Version : need(want) quick 3006 info. 165gr nolser bts

10-07-2005, 11:51 PM
i decided that aswells as my new 3006 shoots and how much lighter it is than my 2506 i just have to take it. were packn into deer camp for 4 days and i just dont want to lug around the heavy 25. and sleeping bag and everything itle take live off of for 4 days.

were leaveing wedsday night and i want to find load that shoots as well as remingtons 165gr core lokt load wich is plenty good in its own right.

i just want to take my deer this year with home brewd loads and im bullet of choice is the nosler bt. i just plain like them.

powders i have to work with.
imr4350, very little left
imr 4831

ill more than likly try the rl powder first.

if you have pet load feel free to post it. i dont care if its a slow load ill try it lookin for acuracy.


gordon baxter
10-08-2005, 09:58 AM
I load 165 bt for my wife 06 for deer and they are very accurate, and i load 57 gr of imr 4350 and magnum powder

10-08-2005, 10:38 AM
is that midrange upper end or low range load.

ive got imr4350 and mag primers.



gordon baxter
10-08-2005, 11:03 PM
that load is loaded at 90% capacity.Works extremly well and recoil not bad.

11-19-2005, 08:27 AM

thanks for info. you must be running your bullets long. i am to nosler #5 says imr4350 is at 95% capicity with theyre 165bt. moven at 2832 out of a 24" barrel.
mines get pushed through a 22" tube

im sposed to hunting today if that falls through i think ill spend most the day tinkering with loads and getn em pushed down range.

you ever run any lighter loads. like uhhhhhh say to reduce recoil?

rl22 and 63grs 1005% capicity doing 3002

im up way to early and reading way to much

have a good day
