10-10-2005, 07:03 PM
Super Black Eagle II
Well as I stated in the waterfowl thread I got ahold of a SBEII the other day. Finally took it out shooting yesterday. Just went to the skeet range and tried the thing every way I could there. Only ran a few heavy loads through it. The rest were 1 and 1 1/8 oz target loads.
The particulars on the gun....SBEII in Black(?) with 28 in bbl. This gun is LIGHT(7 lb 7 oz). Seems to be too light for a goose and duck gun. But we'll see about that next month when the goose season comes in. The gun is muzzle light and easy to swing..even on the long crossing shots. I tried some 45-50 yd crossers with the target 7 1/2's. When I did my job they broke nicely..I was using a mod choke at that range and you could crush ' I feel the crio chokes this thing is equipped with are somewhat tight. The gun comes with a couple of stock spacers that I think I will have to use as the gun shoots a little high(for me, as I shoot with my head pretty erect).Surprisingly the gun shot everything we put through it from 1 oz to a few 1 5/8 oz 3 1/2 inchers(steel). Now those bad boys will wake you up when you shoot a short sleeve T shirt. When hunting, the recoil should be pretty manageable with this high tech stock. The 1 oz 's were pussycats in this gun and functioned just fine when the gun was firmly on the shoulder. There were a few(6 or 7) failures to feed (1 oz loads only)when the gun wasn't held on the shoulder firmly...but that was my fault and my friends fault who had more failures than I did. All in all this is a nice shooting gun... My dislikes are very few.. I don't really like the slight hump at the back of the receiver but that is a(personal) cosmetic thing. If you are shooting it right you'll never see the gun anyway. I also wish the gun were a bit heavier as a waterfowl gun is usually not carried too far so weight really doesn't matter too much.... unless you are jump shooting. I'm also not too fond of plastic and aluminum on a gun but must admit the plastic stocks are definitely better for a waterfowl gun. I have a Beretta 3 1/2 inch gun also and it is plastic stocked as is my 11-87 waterfowl gun. Practical if not pretty. The gun comes with a forend cap and stock ready for QD sling swivels. The gun also is a real whizzer to keep clean. Not too many things to go gas pistons or cleaning of the mag tube to get rid of accumulated powder fouling. It seems to be a very reliable functioning shotgun. Going to try it out on ducks this week and will let you all know how it works. Will try to take and post a picture tomorrow also. Any questions please email or post a reply. There is also one other thing that I don't really like about this gun...The price!! This thing should not cost any more than a Rem 11-87. In fact I don't know why people spend this much for a field gun. Well I guess I did but I got this thing for a really great price compared to retail...and a free case of shells to boot.
All in all a good shooting gun and will continue the test through the waterfowl season here this year. Then I will make the complete report known to y'all
Well as I stated in the waterfowl thread I got ahold of a SBEII the other day. Finally took it out shooting yesterday. Just went to the skeet range and tried the thing every way I could there. Only ran a few heavy loads through it. The rest were 1 and 1 1/8 oz target loads.
The particulars on the gun....SBEII in Black(?) with 28 in bbl. This gun is LIGHT(7 lb 7 oz). Seems to be too light for a goose and duck gun. But we'll see about that next month when the goose season comes in. The gun is muzzle light and easy to swing..even on the long crossing shots. I tried some 45-50 yd crossers with the target 7 1/2's. When I did my job they broke nicely..I was using a mod choke at that range and you could crush ' I feel the crio chokes this thing is equipped with are somewhat tight. The gun comes with a couple of stock spacers that I think I will have to use as the gun shoots a little high(for me, as I shoot with my head pretty erect).Surprisingly the gun shot everything we put through it from 1 oz to a few 1 5/8 oz 3 1/2 inchers(steel). Now those bad boys will wake you up when you shoot a short sleeve T shirt. When hunting, the recoil should be pretty manageable with this high tech stock. The 1 oz 's were pussycats in this gun and functioned just fine when the gun was firmly on the shoulder. There were a few(6 or 7) failures to feed (1 oz loads only)when the gun wasn't held on the shoulder firmly...but that was my fault and my friends fault who had more failures than I did. All in all this is a nice shooting gun... My dislikes are very few.. I don't really like the slight hump at the back of the receiver but that is a(personal) cosmetic thing. If you are shooting it right you'll never see the gun anyway. I also wish the gun were a bit heavier as a waterfowl gun is usually not carried too far so weight really doesn't matter too much.... unless you are jump shooting. I'm also not too fond of plastic and aluminum on a gun but must admit the plastic stocks are definitely better for a waterfowl gun. I have a Beretta 3 1/2 inch gun also and it is plastic stocked as is my 11-87 waterfowl gun. Practical if not pretty. The gun comes with a forend cap and stock ready for QD sling swivels. The gun also is a real whizzer to keep clean. Not too many things to go gas pistons or cleaning of the mag tube to get rid of accumulated powder fouling. It seems to be a very reliable functioning shotgun. Going to try it out on ducks this week and will let you all know how it works. Will try to take and post a picture tomorrow also. Any questions please email or post a reply. There is also one other thing that I don't really like about this gun...The price!! This thing should not cost any more than a Rem 11-87. In fact I don't know why people spend this much for a field gun. Well I guess I did but I got this thing for a really great price compared to retail...and a free case of shells to boot.
All in all a good shooting gun and will continue the test through the waterfowl season here this year. Then I will make the complete report known to y'all