View Full Version : dog boots?

10-13-2005, 12:54 PM
Just wondering what your thoughts are on dog boots for those of you that have used them on your hunting dogs. With pheasant hunting starting soon our weimeraner needs a new vest for this year and we are thinking of getting her boots, just wondering if they are worth it. She gets quite a few cuts and scrapes up her legs during the hunting season and sometimes bloody pads. Just would like to know if they really help or if they hinder your dogs performance.

10-14-2005, 10:42 AM
Check your post in Midwest area .

10-14-2005, 12:00 PM
Dog boots should make no difference on your dog's performance unless he's spending all his time trying to chew them off. It's like anything else, it's just something he has to get use to. As Nulle mentioned in the other post, if your dog has been conditioned and done a lot of road work, his pads should be toughened up enough to prevent bleeding unless you are hunting in a lot of cactus or country with lots of shale, such as Wyoming or Texas. Now with that being said I've never used boots on either of my dogs and never had much of a problem with their pads, but they make a product call Tuff-Kote that you can use and it helps to toughen the pad up. Keep in mind though that if he has sore or tender pads this stuff stings their feet so he probably won't like it. Hope this helps.