View Full Version : New Shells

10-14-2005, 09:06 AM
Picked up a box or 2 of the new Environmetal Hevisteel shells. These happen to be 3 inch 2's. I will give them a try in a couple of guns to see how they work. Will also use them on a goose hunt or 2 to see how effective they are. A lot cheaper than hevishot but still not too cheap. 20 bucks or so for a box of 25. I'll let y'all know how they do. Got migrators coming in here to the pond today.. from way up there in the sky..makes your blood run a little faster.

10-14-2005, 11:57 AM
If I'm not mistaken, that Hevi-steel is supposed to be denser than regular steel. Since Remington Nitro steel is already close to $20 a box, this should be a no brainer if this stuff is denser. Pay a couple extra bucks for some additional knock down power. Of course, that is if one can afford the additional couple of dollars.

10-14-2005, 12:52 PM
Just a one up on Hevi Shot...This is supposed to be the last year that Remington will be selling Hevi Shot. Environmetal ended their partnership with Remngton so Hevi Shot will come from somewhere else in the future. Federal has a new type of Heavy shot loads that is supposed to be very round and flies better than the Remington stuff. Gonna check it out soon.

Nitro steel may be up that high...I really don't know as I buy and sell very little Remington steel. Most shooters here like and prefer Federal in steel loads

10-14-2005, 02:23 PM

Environmetal ("Environ") has the whole thing on their website regarding the Remington issue. It seems as though Remington couldn't produce the stuff quick enough or it was choking the market (i.e., keeping supply low) so that it could keep the price high.

Environ has hired a consultant or two to try and get it up to speed to mass produce the ammo in house. I bought some of its first in house stuff when they first came out with it, and while the shells worked fine they used the paper cover instead of a nice crimp on it.

I actually hope that they do this and do it well. It is nice to see new companies entering the hunting scene. Plus, Remington seems to be having some troubles financially related to underfunding its pension plan.