View Full Version : The old Triple Duce

10-14-2005, 06:19 PM
Well I went and bought a 10" barrel in 222 Remington for my contender. Spent some time at the reloading bench and loaded up fifty rounds with some Accurate 2230c powder that I have and some 46 grain remington Hornet bullets and CCI 400 primers. I started with 21.5 grains and moved up in half grain increments ending with 23.5 grains. I found the load it liked was 22.5 grains of the 2230c powder. I was able to shoot three 3 shot groups that measured 0.61 to 0.72" with this load. It open up to 0.88 to 0.97 with 23.0 grains so I settled with the 22.5 grains. This load will be my primary PDawg load. I stopped on the way home on Thursday and did this to a few P Dawgs. :D


Yes it will work just fine. For that purpose.

10-14-2005, 06:53 PM
Got to love 10 inch barrels and sub moa groups.

10-17-2005, 05:45 PM
I got a 10 in. barrel in .222 for my Contender also. I`ve also been getting sub moa groups with the Serria 40 gn Blitz King bullets with WC 844 powder. I`m trying to get that shot up and then start on the 48 lbs. of 2230-c I bought. I have been loading the 2230-c in my .204 and getting sub moa groups with the 39 gn. Serrias and sub 1/2 moa groups with the 32 gn Serrias. I usually use 7 1/2 Rem. primers though. The .204 didn`t like the WC 844 powder. :rolleyes: Funny how some guns like one powder and not another. :confused:

Rocky Raab
10-19-2005, 09:42 AM
Hey, Kirkned, we oughta get together some time. I get over to GR at least eight times a year supplying earplugs to the mines.

Maybe we could pop a few PDs or 'yotes.

10-28-2005, 08:04 PM
:) Rocky

That would be great, just give me a day or so notice and we'll do it. I could always learn from a Pro like yourself.
