View Full Version : Oh this is just great

10-15-2005, 12:44 PM
Sat relaxing, cooked a big breakfast, playing on the computer, no appointments, no place I gotta be....and this happens...

I let my dogs out the back at least 15 times a day...open the door hear the nails of the dogs gettin ready to run...I look up and see a squirrel swimming towards the side of the pool ....at first I thought it was an iquana, well in one second the lab had it in its mouth, the pointer was getting ready to take over then the squirrel got hits footing made a dash and my other pointer caught it...I am screaming the whole time "leave it, leave it" God knows what the neighbors thought...the dogs back off but the damage was done...the little thing has a broke leg and some punctures...so he is in a Miller light box and now I have to go thirty minutes to the wildlife center ...I am pissed...

PS I called my Fish and Game guy to ask where to take this little sucker, he says and I quote "Val just take a 22 and pop him in the head, he's good eatin" gotta laugh at those guys...:p

10-15-2005, 01:54 PM
It sucks about the dogs, but at least the game warden is sensible.

10-15-2005, 04:54 PM
Just called and checked on him...he's in intensive care and not doing well....:(

10-19-2005, 08:38 AM
Update on Mr. Squirrel ..

He was released last night to the preserve that boundaries on the wildlife care center....seems his leg wasnt broken and he is as good as new......:)