View Full Version : two questions?

10-16-2005, 06:35 PM
My grandaughter who is 6 asked me: How long does it take for a duck to travel from its winter home to its summer home? and then she asked: Is it true that humming birds hitchhike on the backs of geese when they go south so they can save energy? I told her I wasnt sure but would find out so give me a little help with answers here.

10-16-2005, 07:26 PM
I read somewhere that if they fly straight through they can make it in from 36 to 48 hrs.....some less of course according to where they summer and winter. Most do not fly straight through..they come south a ways and feed for a while and then move on again. Geese however quite often make the flight straight through from the Ungava area to the Chesapeake area. And boy do they get up there..quite often a mile or more. No on the hummingbirds. There usually isn't an interaction between species although the Disney people would have us believe so.

10-16-2005, 10:11 PM
Believe it or not, I heard geese flying tonight at 10:30, but I am betting that they are locals that got scared out of their resting spot.

Geese can usually fly 60 to 65 mph. If they want to fly straight through, you can probably do the math and figure out exactly how long it would take. Of course, I haven't heard of many birds not eating every day, so they probably stop for a bite here and there along the way.