View Full Version : Remington Model 581

Gil Martin
10-21-2005, 06:11 PM
These are probably one of the best and most accurate .22 rifles that were ever made. Too bad they were discontinued and now usually command high prices. I was roaming the used gun racks in a gun shop today and found one in like new condition. The hang tag said $150.00, but I got it for less than that. On th way home I stopped at another gun shop and chatted with the owner. When I told him about the Model 581 and his comment was that he sells them for $300.00. He wanted to know if my .22 rifle was for sale. I told him it is not for sale. Anyone else fond of this fine little rifle? All the best...

Rocky Raab
10-21-2005, 07:26 PM
I have a 582 (the tube-fed version) and you could not pry it from my fingers for love nor money. I bought it new for a whopping $65 - but that was back in 1978.

I had it drilled and tapped for Weaver mounts instead of the weak tipoff grooves. I have a long-discontinued Burris 4X rimfire scope with adjustable objective on it.

It is almost embarrassing how accurate it is. But it makes ME loook good!

10-24-2005, 12:12 AM

I never owned a Rem 581 but I've shot them and have several friends who own them. Back in the late 70s, an old friend and I bought Rem 541S rifles, which are nothing more than fancied-up 581s. I didn't mind the plain-Jane stock on the 581 but the 541S came with an adjustable trigger, which I considered essential. Big Green was pretty accomodating in those days and one friend borrowed my user's manual and ordered a 541S trigger assembly to put on his 581. It worked great. Remington soon stopped selling 541S parts for this kind of interchange. I now have 2 541S rifles -- one for hunting and one for sporter silhouette competition.

They are great rifles that I wouldn't part with. If you can swallow the big price, the Anschutz model 1700 variations are super. IMHO, the CZ452s are the best value for the money today.
