View Full Version : Hey Steverino

10-25-2005, 06:34 AM
Did you make it to Lamont's yet or is that in the near future?

I know Mike Gallop and the crew from In-Scents are heading down around the first week of November.

10-25-2005, 01:43 PM
I'm heading down to hunt the weekend of Nov. 11-13th which should be the height of the seek and chase phase of the first rut. At least, that's historically what I see during this time period but of course, weather will place a huge factor on this.

Hunting must be good as I have dropped Bill a couple of lines since last week. I'll try giving him a call at the end of the week.

How's your season been going Petey? I got out for the first time last week. Saw some recent sign but no deer. Will hit it again on Saturday.

Good hunting!;)

10-25-2005, 02:30 PM
I hung my bow up 2 weeks ago after I shot that doe, but I"m about to get it back off the shelf in another week. The last two weeks of season are prime here.

So far I've passed up 7 "legal" bucks under 20 yards (3 points to a side)...but that was the first week of season. I haven't hunted since. I shot another doe with the muzzleloader a week ago.

We have some major weather goin on right now and even had snow this morning, with more projected to come from Wilma. I'd expect after this week, the bucks will be real tuned up. Time to break out the horns :D

My co-worker and his two buddies are heading to IL on Thursday to hunt with member/sponsor WildWorks in I believe Cass or Morgan County. I hope they do well

Looks like you may be arriving the week after In-scents...I think?

10-26-2005, 11:19 AM
Hopefully the boys will leave a deer or two for me!:D Good luck yourself! I've always enjoyed great success at the onset of good snow storms as deer are usually feeding like crazy.