View Full Version : Your Pre-rut stand strategies?

10-25-2005, 04:31 PM
The pre-rut is starting to pick up here in Virginia. We had the temps drop 20 degrees or so this week and have a NW wind coming in. I witnessed an immature 6 points trailing a doe last Saturday and know the bucks are starting to move to really establish their territory.

I started really formulating plans for my pre-rut hunting last year and almost had it pay off as I had a nice buck come in at 15 yards but only had a frontal shot so I didnt take it. That being said, here is my game plan this year. I really got to know the area I hunt last Winter and spring. I have located 3-4 nice bedding areas and rub lines that lead into those areas. I found some nice sheds and I saw 3-4 6 pointers or so around those areas last year, so I know a few of them have to be pretty good bucks this year.

I am thinking of taking a 3-4 full days in the woods during the next 10 days or so and jump from rub line to rub line leading out of those areas...my question is this, do you all like to sit on stand all day during the pre-rut, or move your stand once at around 11 or so to another area? Thanks all.


10-26-2005, 08:51 AM
whenever possible, I like to stay on my stand as much as possible. Generally this time of year, I feel any time I spend walking I may be doing more harm than good.
Unfortunately I haven't been able to do much scouting this year, so I will have to do some walking around.

10-26-2005, 10:27 AM
I agree with Feathermax completely. Despite the majority of early morning and dusk success stories that as hunters we all hear each season, statistically, the majority of shots are made between the hours of 10am-2pm.

Have confidence in the location that you pick, bring the accessories and clothing that will keep you comfortable, and plan on "camping out" on stand all day. I see so much more than I ever do moving around (especially if you're near a buck's bedroom)

One more piece of advice-pay extra special attention to your entrance and exit of these areas. If the wind is wrong, save it for another day. If it's a prime area, you don't want to ruin it being careless. Good luck!;)

10-26-2005, 03:50 PM
Thanks both of you guys....last year, the two days that I got to sit on stand all day during the pre-rut and early parts of the rut are the two days that I arrowed and muzzled two bucks....makes sense to me. I am gonna hit each of the 4 beds on each of the 4 days unless I feel it in my gut or witness something to change my mind....Steverino, I already have my game plan mapped on how to get into each area without spooking deer based on the wind, where they are feeding, and what bedding area they will be moving to....I am gonna really try to do the rights things this year.


10-27-2005, 08:37 PM
figuring those darn deer out is the hard part. Two days ago I saw deer all over feeding at noon. The last two days they weren't feeding during the day.
It is my inability to predict what they are going to do and when they are going to do that makes me want to stay in the stand as much as possible.
This time of year, at least in wisconsin, the most comfortable time to sit is during the middle of the day. It can be in the 30's in the morning and the 50's during the day.

10-28-2005, 03:38 PM
Well I had everything worked out...was gonna get in 1.5 hours before sun-up and get set-up on a rub line off of some power lines....only probably, the power lines were not mowed so they were almost impassable....I had to walk all the way around an extra 45 minutes to get into the stand. I had a beautiful 6 point walk by at 25 yards this morning, but I didn't shoot......my motto this year is "mature buck or bust!" :)
