View Full Version : anyone have the nosler manual

10-25-2005, 10:04 PM
i need to find out what nosler lists as the most acurate load useing 100gr nos bts in the 2506.

im almost 87 percent sure its 56grs of imr 4831

i just loned out my 3006 so the 25 is going this weekdn and i think ive got time to brew a few loads and straight the scope. looked through it the other day and cross hairs are slanted to beat the bad.



billy ahring
10-25-2005, 11:22 PM
Nosler reloading manual #5 lists the most accurate load for the 100 grain ballistic tip as 49.5 gr. of IMR 4831. That's a very modest powder charge considering the case capacity, but that's what the book sez. I myself load my .25-06 model 700 Sendero with 54 grains of IMR 4831 with a 115 grain ballistic tip. That load in my gun turns in nice cloverleaf 3 shot groups at 100 yds. I'm pretty lucky with my 25-06 it is not that finicky, it will shoot just about anything you wanna feed it real consistent. It just shoots that load exceptionally well.


10-25-2005, 11:59 PM
got powder.

iver pushed the 49.5 load with good results in the past, but this time im forced to run magnum primers. seeing as the load is a modest load should i bump the load up or down a grain to make up for the mag primers.

i was thinkn about going an even 50grs and see what happens. the nosler manual shows just reg winchester lar rifle primers.

3000 fps is plenty

i havent loaded any bullets over 100grs. ive just found a hole lot of acuracy with 100s to start loadn and testing heavier bullets.

thanks for your quick reply.


billy ahring
10-26-2005, 12:21 PM
I do use a magnum primer for that load. No real reason other than they were a little closer within reach when I started cooking up a load for the 25-06. I had been doing a lot of 7 mag loadwork and I use IMR 4831 with excellent results with that gun as well. 4831 is a slower burning powder and my thinking is that if the 7 mag calls for a magnum primer then why not use one in the 25-06 as well. I think that when comparing case capacity to bore diameter the 25-06 is somewhat of a magnum anyways. It just doesn't carry the belt or have the magical disignation of magnum in its name.



10-26-2005, 05:12 PM
hmmmmmmmm so your saying the 2506 is magnum. ;) :) :)

yeah magnum is nothing more than name given to case. magnum actualy to me doesnt mean anything.

i just like the little magnums 2506 3006 27wsm and such. though these arent all clicked as magnums they pretty dang cool.

im headed out to test some loads. worked up from 49.5grs to 52grs 6 loads a peice

49.5 50.5 and 52. i know i should gone in smaller steps but im just wanting to see.

ill be back with results later.

thanks for the info.


i figured jumpn more than a grain at the end would be okay because the imr website tops out at 56gr withh a 100gr bullet movvn at 3335.

10-26-2005, 08:17 PM
back from the range(desert). guess i should let you guys know about my make shift shooting bench.

ive got reg duatruck with cross over toolbox. that toolbox makes shooting from the cab perfect with sand bags. and kinda gets me easier clear shooting lanes to my target cause im higher. i kinda get a kick out of being difrent anyways.

loads tested.

powder is imr4831

49.5grs 100gr nos bt. magnum primers. 6 loads loaded.
first 3 shot group shot bout 3/4"-1" didnt have tape. second group after i settled down went right at the same. not bad

50.5 same bullet and primer.
groups may have got alittle smaller. maybe not bout identical again.

52grs and my winger load because i skipped 51.5
shot 3 eye get big and i push the 3 last loads of the evening into the same group. these 6 printed as tight as my lower powder 3 shot groups.:)

you know what load ill be loading tonight.

this will be my hunting load, next load in the 2506 is 75gr sierra hollows and rl19

so far this year ive packed the 3006 and 220 deer hunting. passed up buck while the 3006 was with me. didnt see any bucks while i had the 220(probly a good thing) now it looks like the 250 gets the honors on the last weekend of the hunt. thats exackly how i wanted it to be. loneing out my 3006 got me off my but to do some loading and get the rifle shooting that i want to take my deer with.

way more info than you all needed to know. just getn excited about this rifle all over again i tend to do that alot with the 2506.


10-26-2005, 10:24 PM
prepped sized primed and loaded 11 loads, thats about all the effort ive got in me for tonight, ill have atleast 20 to take hunting this weekend