View Full Version : 700X powder???

10-28-2005, 12:18 PM
I just purchased the Rainier 165gr FP plated bullets to load for my 40 S&W Glock 23. I am looking for loading data for use with IMR 700X powder. I also plan to use Titegroup powder.

Rocky Raab
10-28-2005, 05:00 PM
Not only Glock but virtually all the reloading supply companies warn against reloading for the Glock in 40 S&W. That's because the Glock barrel leaves the cartridge partially unsupported in the chamber. Case bulging or rupture can occur with once-fired cases (and have!)

That being the case, I won't offer any load data.

10-28-2005, 05:06 PM
I am well aware of that fact but I purchased a storm lake aftermarket barrel for my Glock and it has fully supported chamber.

10-28-2005, 05:08 PM
Is this just a Glock thing? Or is it all 40 S&W? I have a Taurus PT-100 I was planning on reloading for. I had a Beretta Model 96 once upon a time and it bulged the brass on the back end. I have not noticed that with the PT-100.


10-28-2005, 05:10 PM
mainly Glock. Can happen on others if not fully supported. I decided to buy an aftermarket barrel that is fully supported before I attempt to fire reloads and lead bullets.

10-29-2005, 09:16 AM
whoever makes 700x powder will more than likely have load data on there website. but like rocky said they may not have info on the internet for all to see.

Rocky Raab
10-29-2005, 11:06 AM
Ah, I see.

I've found that plated bullets are a bit like a hybrid between a bare lead bullet and a jacketed one. They're not quite as hard as a jacketed one, so they obturate up to full bore diameter when fired, BUT they have the higher friction coefficient of a jacket, so it pays to keep loads mild with plated bullets.

My handbook from IMR doesn't list data for 165 grainers, but due to the above-noted condition regarding plated bullets, let's look at the data for 180-grain TMJs.

IMR 700x 4.6 gr 970 fps 34.6K psi

That's a MAX load. If you use the usual 10% reduction, a start load would be about 4.0 grs. I think I'd try a few at 4.0 and call it good.

Just a guess, but I'd wager you'd be getting right at 900 fps with the slightly lighter bullet - just about perfect for a practice/plinker/small game load.

NOTE FOR OTHERS - Do NOT fire reloaded .40 S&W rounds in any Glock pistol with the factory barrel, or any other pistol that does not have a fully supported chamber. If in doubt, check with the manufacturer, or use factory ammo only,

10-29-2005, 11:13 AM
Thanks for the info. I just purchased a storm lake barrel for my Glock that does have fully supported chamber. I should be ok