View Full Version : wife said yes

10-29-2005, 11:06 AM
Hey guys, pretty knew to this forum. I recently talked to wife into a Africa hunt next year. Now i'm trying to decide on what to hunt, DG or Plains. for the plains I think I'm good using the same rifle I use now, a Savage 30-06. but if decide DG the only other rifle I have is a NEF Handi rifle with a 22 in barrel in 45-70. I do own some 500 grain buffalo bore Mags, would this combo work for DG in Africa? I'm not beyond getting a new rifle of course.

11-01-2005, 08:17 AM
When you mention dangerous game what are you expecting to hunt?

Also where are you planning to hunt?

Many countries have minimum calibers for lion, buffalo and elephant. The 45-70 may not be legal. If you are hunting leopard the .30-06 may be legal. Are you planning on hunting the larger antelope like eland?

You will often hear that African animals are harder to kill and need to step up the caliber of the rifle and the quality of the bullets used.

You may want to stop by the local gun stores and look over their used rifles to see if there is a big bore rifle that has been collecting dust. You may find a bargain. One thing you will have to make sure of is the action of the rifle is smooth and does not bind. I handled a CZ in a .458 and it liked to bind when cycling the action while on your shoulder. That is the last thing you need to worry about when the cape buffalo is grazing on your shoe laces.

04-02-2006, 10:02 PM
I would highly recommend you go on a plains game first. If you have the money to go on a dangerous game hunt then you have the money to buy a better rifle for DG hunting than that NEF 45-70. That would be around my 133rd rifle choice for DG! :eek: BTW, do you know what it cost to hunt Cape Buffalo? Or were you planning for leopard, lion, elephant or rhino?

A 30-06 would be a good choice for PG but is approaching the light side for eland.

You get more bang for the buck by hunting PG. Usually, you can 3-5 or more animals on a hunt. Bring extra money as there might be something else you want to hunt.

The most important thing you can do after you decide is to practice shooting your rifle as much as possible shooting field positions.

04-03-2006, 02:23 PM
You do not need a $40,000 double gun to hunt DG there are many good used 375 H&H and 416 Rem Mags around a little looking will save you the $ over a new rifle for a trophy fee on something such as a warthog or impala.
CZ, Remington, Ruger, etc all make a 375H&H and a 416 Rem Mag that will not only lay low any buffalo or elephant but also work well on PG. I recently saw a Charles Daly (Mauser import) 375H&H on an auction site selling new for approx. $600. remington is now doing the import in their 798 with the same action.
Your 45-70 with proper bullets and excellent shot placement will also kill buffalo they aren't armoured cars. Many are killed each year with 7.62x39 for population control and poachers use snares,shotguns loaded with grit and nails,etc. The problem arises if legal to use it as it is the bottom end of the .45 cal in power.

Steve Franks
05-31-2006, 11:42 AM
I agree with the rest of the guys. Get yourself a good .375, .416, or .458 and start practicing two months ago! Spend a lot of money on practice, then there is less time lost looking for wounded animals. Remember, one drop of blood and you just bought the animal, recovered or not.

07-22-2006, 02:31 PM
KShntr, leave the deer rifle at home if you are thinking of hunting dangerous game! The 45-70 is not legal in Africa for 3 of the big 5 in all places, and all but the leopard in others. It simply doesn't come up to the energy needed to qualify! A good CRF bolt action rifle chambered for 375 H&H, or 416 Rem mag will serve you well as a client hunter, and the 375H&H makes a fine plains game rifle as well. TAke your 30-06 along for the small stuff! Almost any bolt rifle you buy off the shelf will have sticky spots in it's action, so it needs to be slicked up before you depend on it for your life! The CZ 550 is a fine CRF rifle, and comes in appropriate chamberings. The early, and late Mod 70s are CRF as well, and can be had in the right chamberings as well. The Ruger RSMs are also CRF, and come in some of the best chamberings, also a used Whitworth 375H&H, or 458 Win Mag is also a CRF rifle. Weatherby, SAKO, Browning, Steyr, and the like have the right chambers but lack CRF, (control round feeding) And do not qualify IMO as DGRs (dangerous game rifles)

If you intend hunting dangerous game next year you should have already booked. Most guys with good concessions are booked two years in advance! You can do a RSA plains game hunt on short notice, but that is mostly game ranch hunting, and Dangerous game hunting there is questionable as to legitimacy, and very heavy for trophy fees!

Of course I'm in no possition to tell you what to do, but the above is my advice, based on a long history of hunting DG in Africa, and other places around the world. That advice is only worth what you are paying for it, but it is cheap at twice the price!