View Full Version : gona do some 75gr sierra hollow points
10-30-2005, 11:09 AM
figured id work up a few loads with sierra hollow points and rl10 powder.
i just ran an dumby round to see if the bullet was even long enought to be seated in the case with my lenght set the same as it is with 100s.
just barely. theyre is maybe alittle more than 1/16 in the case kneck. with 100s ive got about 3/8"s in the kneck im kinda concerned about the 75s only haveing that little bit in there. seems they may not be seated exackly straight.
cant remember if 75vmaxes were that short. back then i didnt always pay attrention to the details as much as i do now.
im in search of load now. may run to walmart and see what nosler sujest for the 85nos bt and go from that data.
10-30-2005, 07:33 PM
What powders do you have??? I have a Serria manual and can give you the data they have in it. Their accuracy load is 49 gn. of IMR 4064. That is also their recomand hunting load.
10-30-2005, 10:04 PM
the old girl and i decided that the 75gr sierra could wait we had one last chance today to get our buck and we goter done :) :) :) ;) :) :) :) :) :)
ill grab some imr4064 powder. sierras si the best info i bet. do you have the hornady book. i wonder if they sujest the same powder for the 75gr bullets.
thanks for info
11-02-2005, 06:02 PM
I don`t have a Hornady manual any more, but I do have an old Speer manual and they give the same load with their 87 gn bullets.
Lone Star
11-02-2005, 07:03 PM
Do not try to load the 75 Sierras to the same length as your 100s. The ogive shapes are different so you will not be duplicating the jump to the rifling. Seat them with a minimum of 3/16" in the case neck for safety. Your shallow seating is asking for trouble, either the bullet tipping or falling out all together. Sierra recommends an overall cartridge length of 3.025" with this bullet, versus 3.130" with their 100-grain bullets.
BTW, Sierra lists a max load of 50.5 grains IMR4064 with this bullet.
11-02-2005, 09:10 PM
thanks for the heads up. i want to load them but realy dont want to change my seater die around. i wont shoot them as is. there realy barly in the kneck.
11-13-2005, 05:33 PM
I could never get the 75gr HP Sierras to group worth a hoot in two different M700s, many years ago. The 87gr Sierra on the other hand, made for very accurate varmint loads in the 25-06s.
It was my varmint bullet for years, until the 100gr Btips came out. The 90gr Sierra HP was another bullet that never made the grade back then.
11-17-2005, 08:11 PM
i got to thinking about this some more.
in my train of thinging i do think the two bullets will be the same distance from the lands. the bullets are both of difrent shapes but at its widest point there both going to be just on the lands.
actualy ill find out right now. im gona do dummy rd and seat the bullet with the rifles chamber then check it in the seater die. the seater die should bump it down a smidge.
this has been on my mind off and on since i brought the topic up way back when
11-17-2005, 08:38 PM
heres what i did. loaded dumby rd useing the 75 sierra bumped the bullet into the case then used the bolt to push the bullet the rest of the way in the case.
but the bullet in the press and screwd the seater die down till it contacted the sierra. wich was 7/8 of turn from being on the seater dies stop. lowerd the bullet and screwd the die down the rest of the way.
hmmmmmm i thought i was on the lands closer than that. i will be now. then i got to think maybe the shape makes these sierras sit closer to the lands than my 100yds.
at this point i thought you were right.
but nothing was proved yet. just had do do dumbly 100gr nos bt to find out closed bullet in the chamber stuck it in the press and screwd the die down on it. it to was 7/8 of turn from being to the dies setting so they are the same.
also did this with a 100gr nos partitoin and 75vmax all the same.
i did find that i want to be longer and will adjust to be on the lands or just barely off. its no off the lands by about guessn an 1/8.
just set my 3006 dies up and ive got 165 nos bts kissing the lands. closed a bullet in the chamber then bumped the die back the little bit just so it would close easily
im off to run a few powder charges in the 06 and will test tommorw.
57grs of h4350 is the magic load from what ive heard and i will work up to it from about 2 grains lower. those 165 bts are long with a very good bc im hopeing for varmit acuracy from this rifle.
so guess the 25 will stay as is for now ive got around 30rds of hunting loads worked up ounce these are widdled down to about 10rds ill work up some loads useing h4350 in it aswell.
im realy digging this reloading.
Cal Sibley
11-19-2005, 02:29 PM
I get muc better accuracu from the Sierra 85gr. HPBT than I do fro the 75gr. bullet. For some reason my rifle doesn't do well with the 75gr. bullets. Best wishes.
Cal - Montreal
11-19-2005, 07:06 PM
heres the results
52.5grs of h4350 2"s horrible
56 and 56.5 grs rl19 1.5
57grs rl19 1 1/8"
57.5 rl19 5/8" 3 in perfect traingle
58grs rl 19 3/8"
58.5gr rl19 7/8"
59gr rl19 1 1/2"
59.5gr rl19 3"
startn getn tighter at 57.5 tighter still and the sweet spot at 58 opend up at 58.5 and kept growing to 59.5
all grs are measured outside of hole to outside of hole. all loads where shot from a sand bag with coat under the but
no pressure signs till 59.5 were all 3 cases had shiny spot on the case head where it rides agaisnt the bolt face. i didnt think that was to bad. i was very ready to pop a primer at 57grs and go home.
im very exscited with the 58gr load and will load a few more to make sure it wasnt a fluke before i load up a a bunch.
i did notice something to take note of. the lighter loads shot above the 1" orange dots with ever hotter load it was grouping lower. the 58gr load at hole in the bottom of the orange dot 59 and 59.5 where lower but all over the place so i couldnt realy tell how much lower they are.
how fast do you guys think the 58gr load is pushn the 75 sierra through my 24" barrel its got be movn.
noslers 85gr bt is at 3700 with max charge of 57grs thats already movn right along, id imagine my load of 58grs is somewhere above that.
also about what area do you think its as far as pressure is concerned. im kinda in the dark i winged those loads from nosler manual with just info they had for 85s.
thanks id apreciat any feed back
got 35 loads done and ran out of rl19 im headed out to punch some paper to 300, its dead calm cold and sunny perfect coditions.
11-21-2005, 06:27 PM
I give up. What cartridge are you playing with?
11-22-2005, 09:18 PM
hmmmmmmmm is that why no ones givn me any load info .
i just weeded through my posts and i couldnt find were i ever said what caliber it was.
thats kinida funny its 2506
Cal Sibley
12-14-2005, 04:21 PM
Hello Evan03,
I've recently been experimenting with my new Remington BDL in .25-06. It doesn't do that well with the Sierra 75gr. HP. Mine is much more accurate with the Sierra 87gr. SP. IMR4350 52.2grs.
is accurate in my rifle, about .5" (5 at 100yds.). I was surprised as I thught I'd get much better groups than I did with the 75gr. bullet. Best wishes.
Cal - Montreal
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