View Full Version : Lake Erie steelhead

11-02-2005, 04:43 AM
Tis the season again..fishing the lake and streams around Erie Pa is going well....anyone with some spare time can have a nice time here and a trip to Trout Run (hatchery creek)with the family will be an impressive adventure for them watching the move up stream and over the falls.....a place I stop with each trip north....directions to Trout Run for those interested :....In Pa, 79N to 90W....second exit on 90 is route 98...take north and it ends at Lake Erie at trout run... from Ohio or NY...route 5 along the lake shore to 98....enjoy

12-08-2005, 08:48 AM

This is a video taken of fish just in from the lake and on way upstream. I tried to get it to highlight but guess I didn't understand how to do so on here yet...enjoy.

01-16-2006, 06:10 AM
I was supposed to be up there Saturday AM, fly fishing with the boys from work, but the wife had other plans :rolleyes:

I ended up coming up to Erie, but it wasn't to fish, but rather spend a couple hours wondering around Gander MT while she shopped at the mall!! ha ha. Oh well, it was a pretty nasty day for weather anyhow...I'll make it up another time

01-21-2006, 01:39 AM
video again

01-26-2006, 07:11 AM
http://video.google.com/videoplay?docid=-4378243838360479629 Ok trying this again..It stopped working for awhile.

01-26-2006, 05:47 PM
Really cool video.I would like to see that in person. They look like big fish too.

02-06-2006, 06:08 PM
would say average size 28/30"..@ 8/9 lb.....and like hooking onto a rocket when get one fresh from the lake...best time to fish for them is fall...late october...after get good rains there to open the creek mouths...they are there now all winter too but at times is hard to keep ice from line...fish also are farther up streems...I like to fly fish them but at times use fresh eggs...if catch a female, operate on side and get fresh eggs...then can't keep them off...noodle rod with 4lb line works great..when they get spooked, hard to hook up...need chest waders and I stay away from wallnut (the nut) creek...that seems to be the hardest hit spot...about 5 guys to every fish...lol...anyhow there are lots of places on the web to check the fishing out there.. www.fishlakeerie.com is one..... www.poorrichardserie.com is one good stop on the net to check things out...there is a poorrichards bait shop in the eastern side of erie by NY line and one on the w. side ...both along rt 5.... can get maps of the creeks from their web site.....I like to fish the lake itself at trout run but need the wind from the south that day at at least 5mph or less...this blows the waves back to canada...lol....a must is to read the regs for fishing erie....tribs have times can/ can't and places along trout run mouth etc...have regs...need to follow the book...but is a great time....worth the trip for a land locked fishery...oh and erie now is starting a charter for walk ons..cost is I think $28 for adults, $25 seniors..can rent their poles for $3. they supply bait also...holds 44 people and is 8 hr trip I believe...perch fishing ....most ...check it on poor richards bait shop also.....the info....