View Full Version : GSP kennels

11-02-2005, 03:22 PM
Hi everyone. I am looking in the near future to get a gsp pup I have talked to Gary from weswind kennels and Mark from Chisholm creek kennels both seem to know there dogs. Does anyone out there have any personal experience from either of these guys? I am looking for a fairly close working pup and I would really like to see the parents before hand. Thanks for any replies.

11-03-2005, 01:19 AM
There are quite a few breeders all over for this breed and finding a good one is another story . I would not rule out the small breeder that has a litter a year and will be found in your local advertisements.
Heck I got one last year from our animal Shelter and he is working great. No registration but that don't matter to me.

GSP x2
11-03-2005, 12:04 PM
I am having a litter of German bred shorthairs in the spring. Totally different then the typical American shorthair. You can view the info on my site or email me for more details.
Website is www.vomroyalshorthairs.com
Email is Kurzhaars@hotmail.com

GSP x2
11-03-2005, 12:15 PM
I would have to dissagree with getting a quality dog from a small breeder. My kennel has some of the highest quality German dogs this side of the river and I will only have one litter a year. I would go with a person who has a direction they would like to take the breed. I would also go with a person who test and proves their dogs. Not just "both parents hunt" Our German dogs have to pass very tuff hunting test and show confirmation test before they can be bred. I would for sure stay away from the back yard breedings but a small breeder doesnt mean bad breeder.

11-04-2005, 01:38 PM
Not sure what side of the fence you are on ? By small breeder I mean a one or two litter operation with both male and female on site and owned by the breeder.
Registration on the dog is very good to have but that alone will not turn out good hunting dogs it just helps your chances.
If you have reservations on this pup thing spend the extra $ and get one started or finished for you.
Guess it all depends on what you want your dog to do and what you want to spend to reach that goal.

GSP x2
11-04-2005, 01:50 PM
I am on the side of the fence for quality dogs. Not just breeding two dogs because they both hunt. If the breeding does not better the breed and produce better dogs then I dont think it should take place. I also feel that the breeder should have very high standards. That is why I like the DK shorthairs more then the AKC shorthairs. They have breeding standard. They are field water and tracking test along with confirmation rating has to be at a certain mark. This is in place to insure that you will produce quality proven dogs. Your right papers are just papers. I see nothing wrong with a guy owning two or three dogs and breeding the two that he has IF and only IF it is to better the quaility of dogs that are out there. This would mean that the dogs are as close to perfect in confirmation and exceed field standards. Since AKC has NO breeding standards you end up with a lot of dogs that are bred and should not be. But just ruling a person out that has one litter a year with his two dogs is not wise. In Germany most of the breeders only own one dog two at most. Having less dogs gives you more time to work them and see the details of each dog. By doing this you can see if they will better the breed. Having several dogs puts you in a spot were this is harder to do.

11-04-2005, 06:58 PM
I raised GSP way back in the 70's with the blood line of Greif and Kaposia and these dogs were great. When we did have pups for sale they were not cheap and thats probably why I am not selling dogs now . In my area the average hunter would not pay the price these dogs were worth and I in turn would not give them away so I just got out of the racket.
The AKC lacks in many important issues and in my opinion have ruined many of the hunting breeds.
When the GSP took top dog my first thought was "Good Grief now everybody is going to start breeding them for lap dogs ect."
I don't think this has happend and it is great for the breed.

11-05-2005, 11:37 AM
GSP4LIFE: I understand both sides of this discussion, but the thing you need to ask yourself is how much do you want to spend on a dog. As Nulle mentioned you can get a dog out of a local shelter and have a very fine hunting companion. I have two GSP's one from a reputable breeder and the other was a mistake by it's owner. I got them both as pups and they are both great hunters. One is papered and the other is not, although both his parents were. I don't think papers make a dog hunt any better than non-papered. I do however agree with GSPX2 on the idea that if everyone starts breeding them, that sooner or later the shorthair breed will end up like the Labs. It would be nice if everyone would be a responsible owner/breeder but I don't see that happening any time soon. Their are plenty of honorable breeders out there that own a half dozen dogs to train and hunt through out a season and I don't see anything wrong with that. I have been listening to this "raising the standards" for about ten years now and it does have its merits but for those of us that just want a hunting companion and not a trial dog, I say get what you feel is a good representative of the breed that you can afford and enjoy the dog you pick. Good luck to you, what ever you decide.

11-06-2005, 07:02 AM
I watched an Irish Setter take honers again at AKC show and what a great looking dog but I bet he had know idea what a feather was .
I agree with the standards of the breed being met to a point and that causes me concern when you have one in the litter that is a not met. He or she is the runt so to speak or it may hunt very well but don't hit the confermation standard = what do we do with this little dog ? It has all the great breeding and the other dogs out of the litter work well but it is just different. What now do we do with this dog ? Sell as family pet without papers, have it spayed or nuetered or put a bullet in its head ? If the last one is chosen we are no better then some of the Gray Hound breeders in the 70's that lined the ditches in Colo. with dead dogs when they didn't perform well on the track !
I have seen pictures of GSP+2 dogs and quite frankly I think they are great and the type of GSP that catch my eye but on the other hand I have seen smaller dogs in this breed I do not like but who am I to say one is better for you then the other ?
Check the parents, see if they will give you some names of people that have their dogs, if the price is in your range buy it and have a ball with the dog.

11-06-2005, 08:04 AM
I hguard dog as welllave got 2 GSP's from Bucerri Shorthairs out of Coldwater Michigan. I will get my next one from him if he's still in the biz.

He breeds for close working dogs. All his dogs are very good temerment. I entered his kennel once when he was not there yet and had no trouble with the dogs... so if you're looking for a guard dog as well, this ain't the place.

If you want an e-mail address, I'll get it for you, just let me know.


GSP x2
11-07-2005, 08:04 AM
You asked a question about what to do with a dog that is not up to "standard" I would have the dog fixed. Make an agreement wiht the person buying the dog to have it fixed. Most people understand. As far as price. You are going to have this dog for as many as 12 yrs or more. So do you spend $300 and get a dog were "both parents hunt" or spend a bit more like my puppies $800 and have parents that have completed confirmation test with a high rating hip x rays approved by Germany and both of the parents have passed very very tuff hunting test in order to become breedable? If you pro rate the difference you cant go wrong by spending a bit more. I dont want it to come across that I am just out to sell my puppies. I want as many people to relize that there is a diffence in the quality of dogs out there and just becouse they have the name of a shorthairs doesnt mean anything.

11-07-2005, 08:10 AM
Originally posted by GSP x2
You asked a question about what to do with a dog that is not up to "standard" I would have the dog fixed. Make an agreement wiht the person buying the dog to have it fixed. Most people understand. As far as price. You are going to have this dog for as many as 12 yrs or more. So do you spend $300 and get a dog were "both parents hunt" or spend a bit more like my puppies $800 and have parents that have completed confirmation test with a high rating hip x rays approved by Germany and both of the parents have passed very very tuff hunting test in order to become breedable? If you pro rate the difference you cant go wrong by spending a bit more. I dont want it to come across that I am just out to sell my puppies. I want as many people to relize that there is a diffence in the quality of dogs out there and just becouse they have the name of a shorthairs doesnt mean anything.

I agree. I have had both my dogs fixed from my breeder, even though they have all of the above... or could have if I went thru the steps. The bottom line is... I believe that breeders SHOULD better the breed, and I am NOT a breeder, so I remove the temptation by having them fixed.


GSP x2
11-07-2005, 08:31 AM
Very smart thing to do. I wish more people would follow that mind set.