11-05-2005, 11:52 AM
My son and I just got back from our North Dakota pheasant hunt and we really had a good time. We had planned for a three hunt. We only got to hunt for two because where we was hunting, on the last day of the hunt, they had a major snow strom move in and we decided to try and beat the storm out, which we did. I say major, they were suppose to get from five to eight inches. To people in N.D. that probably isn't major, but to me it was. Anyway we left here at 5.00AM Tuesday morning and got to where we were going by 10:30, we were hunting by 11:30. By 2:00PM we had limited out. It was great. The second morning we got up and headed out, but the wind was blowing 35 to 40 mph with gusts to 50. I tell you this when them pheasants get into that they are really booking it. It took us most of the day to fill out limit but we finally got it done. There was no shortage of birds and plenty of shooting. We had a great time. I'll see if I can get of pics on.