View Full Version : 6mmBR 1/11 twist.

11-05-2005, 01:59 PM
best comprise in twist for 6mm hunting/varmit rifle.

id be pushing bullets from 75-100grs. i think normaly i wouldnt shoot much heavier than 90grs but i cant leave out the selection of 100gr hunting bullets that are available so i think the 1/11 twist should be an alright compromise.

itl shoot the 85-95gr hunting bullets well wich is were i want to be then it may do alright with the 100s. as well as the 75s.

the way i see it im comprosieing the upper and lower end just alittle bit but my mid range bullets are twisted just right and thats where i want to be.

any thoughts and ideas on the subject are greatly apreciated.


Lone Star
11-06-2005, 01:01 PM
That 11" twist will be marginal with many 100-grain bullets, particularly with the small 6BR case. If you have a marginal twist rate for a bullet you need high velocity, and you can't get it with the 6BR and normal pressures. If you stick to short 100-grain bullets like the Remington CoreLokt or Speer HotCore you may do alright, but use longer bullets like the Sierra BTs, Nosler BallisticTips and Barnes X-Bullets and you'll be asking for trouble.

If it were me and I wanted to use the rifle on a variety of game, I'd stick with the 12" twist and use the 85-grain Nosler Partition on deer. This bullet was specifically designed for use in the 6BR handguns and deer, and it performs very well in that role. Since most of your shooting will be with light bullets, this is a better compromise IMO. If you want to stick with bullets no heavier than 80 grains, use the 14" twist.

The 55-grain Ballistic Tip performs very well at long range with this cartridge. It shoots flatter and has less wind drift at 500 yards than the 70-grain BTip with less recoil - what's not to like?

11-07-2005, 06:39 AM
lone star.

been thinkn the exact same thing you just mentioned. why not just run 12 inch twist and use the partition as my hunting load. theres also fairly good selection of 85gr hunting bullets for the 6mms. trufly the 85gr partition would be last on the list to try. i havent cared for them for awhile now. nothing wrong with them other than i couldnt get them to shoot in my 2506.

ive also thought about compromiseing the other way and running the 10" twist. that way i can use all the hunting bullets avaible and use the heavier varmit bullets. but i dont like this option as well. this puts velocities under 3000. . id like to run around 3200 with 75gr vmaxes so its gota be the 12" twist.

thanks for keepn me thinking and all the good info


11-07-2005, 08:37 PM
Evan, i have read several articles on the 12 twist .244 rem. and the 10 twist .243 winchester, and have worked with a few rifles chambered for both. Their conclusion and mine is the faster twist of 1 in 10 or even 1 in 9 is the more accurate twist with ALL bullets, even the 55 grainers.

Lone Star
11-09-2005, 01:23 AM
I cannot comment from personal experience on the difference in results between 9" and slower twist barrels and all bullets, but I do know of a 6BR with a 14" twist barrel that shoots the Nosler 55s and 70s in the mid-.2s consistently. These bullets are certainly adequately stabilized with the 14" twist.

Most accuracy experts agree that spinning a bullet faster than required for stabilization can hurt accuracy, particularly at long range where the over-stabilization keeps the bullet's axis from following its flight path. The result is increased drag and a much lower BC. Benchrest shooters usually use around a 14" twist rate for the 68-70 grain bullets they shoot in their 6PPCs.

11-09-2005, 06:41 AM
tick tick pop ups hungover feel like dog crud.

dont feel like thinking this morning. 6mmbr.com has nothin buty good things to say about the 8" twist for all bullet uses. it also talks about the fast twist and br velocities. a faster caliber may not have the same results with fast twist and lighter bullets