View Full Version : mich gun seasen

11-06-2005, 04:09 PM
the gun seasen is just around the corner here iam interested in some storys and picks as to how every one is doing over the gun seasen.
I and the guys in my group have been seeing some good bucks
my brother in law has one on film the week before bow opened on film that looks like it will make 140 class he was with a 4 pointer that i have seen 3 time never got to put a hole in.
I did miss a spike a couple weeks ago i have not been abel to get back out for two weeks.
I myself could care less as gun seasen gets here if its a dow or a buck i am just wanting to put some meet in the freezer.

11-08-2005, 04:29 AM
I head to my hometown area in the U.P. on the 14th as usual & fork over the $130 or so for a non-res license. I only have 2.5 days to hunt unless I can move some work on the 18th. I don't have a lot of faith for this season. Many areas I hunted in the Northern U.P. 25 yrs ago seem to have a lot of hair filled wolf poop now & less deer. Of course some will say the wolves actually improved their deer hunting. It is mostly a traditional family get together. We still have a few promising spots. I don't feel like holding my fire this year on any smaller buck I see, like the last year or 2. I also plan to go up early enough on the 14th to go out grouse hunting some with my lab. I know the grouse numbers are down but I go for many reasons.

11-08-2005, 06:21 PM
If it helps any i have been hearing grouse numbers are a little better this year.
what area are you look at for deer i have herd frome some freinds that live up around curtis that the dear did preaty good over the winter and they are seeing good numbers.

11-10-2005, 05:12 AM
O.K. things are looking up some. I have another day off work. I still plan to bring my lab up on the 14th. Just the other day a guy gave the report of a nice buck that he saw, not an area we usually hunt but one we can. I am talking about Houghton & Baraga counties in the NW U.P. We will also be in an area where there were a good amount of buck rubs a few weeks ago when I was there(pvt land, no wolves). I like the solitude of a 'Big Timber' hunt but I also like to see a few deer. I go to a few places where you won't see another hunters track, even on opening day. There may well be a good reason nobody else would hunt those locations. Yes I did get 3 grouse on an earlier trip, mostly while doing some scouting. The forcast is starting to show the chance of snow in the higher elevations. Have a good time.

11-12-2005, 09:29 PM
I am heading out in the morn for camp i most likely wont be back till next monday.
I like the nite before the opener most its like chrismas eve anticipation is so great we all think of that possible buck that will be standing in front our stand like magic put it there.
I hope every one has a good gun seasen and good luck.

11-13-2005, 06:31 AM
Same to you Wrenchman.
I am heading up this morning to put out the stands, coming back home and then leaving again tomorrow afternoon. Darn work meetings ( on Oponing day eve, no less):rolleyes:

Good luck to everyone.

11-15-2005, 04:22 PM
had some slob hunters dump (illegal) bait piles last night within mere feet of the two ground blinds I spent the previous day setting up. I dont think they even saw my blinds.

Then the downpour started....was still raining when the alarm went off this morning so I went back to sleep. Came home without even uncasing the pistol in order to save a vacation day for when the woods are less crowded.


11-19-2005, 10:05 PM
I have had a decent gun seasen so fare i shot a button open morn before the rain started comeing down didnt get back out till the next night becouse of the high wind and rain.
I was sitting in stand open morn every one in my group had a shot at a buck and i was fealing like the kid picked last to play base ball when two deer were heading for the woods pickinging the largest i fired strikeing it in the chest it ran into the woods
behind me being we had rain i couldnt find blood so i sat back down waited for the shooting to slow down .
when the shooting stoped we had 3 deer down and each one had to be found with body sherchs the cousing shot a seven
with a busted skull and one horn was loose like a joy stick hard to beleave it was running around.
The brother in law shot a nice doe we found were in a thicket.
when we got on my deer trail the brother inlaw seen were the deer went in the woods i had serched wrong trail the brother in law says i seen the deer go in this trail i look in the woods and about 30 yards away was my deer.
Most the shots exceeded 125 yards the group killed a 7 point a 6 point and 2 does and the button i shot as it whent i was the only one that didnt have a shot at a buck one of the adult does is mine also - pics comeing later

11-22-2005, 04:45 AM
My short season went well. About an hour into opening morning I bagged the 1st buck I saw, a 4 ptr. One of my partners got a decent 8 an hour after me & the other also got an 8 a few days later. I will now do a little M-L hunting in early Dec, possibly just here in WI. It's to early to be putting the gear away for another year. Hunter numbers will drop pretty good now, also try going on a weekday.

11-23-2005, 07:13 PM
opening day pics

11-02-2006, 04:25 AM
Well it's almost time again. I am starting to gear up. Last year our group of 3 hunters got 4 bucks. I am going to try to hold out a little longer since I have 4 full days to hunt, & maybe the later M-L season. It's getting cold up Nor't & there has been a little snow in some places. I've got the 308 with the 165 grn handloads sighted in & ready to go. I may have a deer camp for rent in Baraga Co. if someone is in need.

11-02-2006, 06:47 PM
I am heading down to ky to hunt next week then i am comeing home and hunting for 3 days.
I have yet to make it out to do any bow hunting so this will be the start of my hunting for me.
I did take my oldest out for the youth he got a doe i will be takeing him with me to gun hunt for the reaguler seasen.

Bret Andrysiak
12-27-2006, 08:30 AM
Had a great year. Was my first year here in Mi. and am lucky enough to have about three hundred family owned acres to hunt.(married the right woman)We are in Allegan.got a medium doe at the start of gun season and lucked out on a nice six point on the last day of muzzle season(suprised to see one that late)Love the michigan herds and the folks are great here.Monster bucks seem to be a bit scarce compared to Il. but hunting is great just the same.

12-27-2006, 04:31 PM
bucks are scarce every where in mich we have lots of hunting pressure if you have access to privat land in a area with no public you are sitting a lot better.
we hunt a are that is all privat but we have hunters all around us.

01-23-2007, 10:29 AM
how did you mi guys and gals do this year? i had a doe and two fawns come in at adrk and then another deer came in, i put the cross hairs on the 4th deer,i didn't want to shoot the mother of the two fawns, then i put the safety on and figured i'll give em
a year to grow some.