View Full Version : does a killing arrow fly twice?

steven gordon
11-07-2005, 01:49 PM
I want to hear what other hunters do with the arrows that have made a kill, assuming it hasn'tt been bent. Do you clean it up and put it back in the quiver? Do you retire it? How about the broadhead? I'm still using (now, don't hurt yourself laughing) bear razorheadheadSS; I have plenty of inserts and I can sharpen the thing well but I want to hear from other bow hunters.

11-07-2005, 02:04 PM
I clean, spin, and shoot them. If they fly well, I replace the blade and put them back into action.
I'm currently using graphite shafts and muzzy heads, so if the shaft doesn't break and the muzzy doesn't bend (which they often do for me) they are ususally good.
I did have one aluminum arrow that killed 8 deer. It finally met its match when my release broke shooting the arrow indoors. It stuck in the wall and was never the same.

11-07-2005, 03:41 PM
first deer with a bow i shot in the neck out the back, rinsed off the arrow, spun it tried to bend it a little changed my 4 muzzy blades back in the quiver it went, my second deer hit through the shoulders same arrow, broad head wasnt worthy of another try, so i switched it put it back in the quiver and the following year a ground hog refused to stop walking right towards me even though i tried to shoo it away and walk around it. so sent the beman ics at him. gutted him and ripped a damn fletch off. so as for now the arrow is temporarely retired
if you try it, please inspect them very well

11-07-2005, 08:10 PM
unless they are bent, they go back again. Great thing about arrows, ...can't do that with my guns:p

11-08-2005, 04:36 AM
Shot 3 deer withe same arrow: 500gr douglas fir shaft with a
Rothaar Snuffer 160gr broadhead.

11-08-2005, 06:10 PM
I put up my 1st arrow& broadhead and all uncleaned. but the rest will get cleaned and put back in the quiver.