View Full Version : first called dog.

11-10-2005, 09:34 PM
finaly getn into this calling thing.

been going pretty stead for about a weak now. sunday i called one in saw it comeing and dropped him bout a 100yds out with the 220.

after getn that one i did alittle foot work and made stand about a mile away. nothin here. decided to head back to truck and try a difrent area. ended up decided to call in wide open area before i got to the truck.

i was in pile of rocks on hillside. its big bute that over looks town you can see forever from there. i got to blowin on the rabbit distress. not more than a couple minutes into screamn blood murder this dog jumps up on rock right in front of me..

im watchn all over where id see em comeing from and nothin i was blowin on the call as this dogs lookin at me. i slowly set the call down and lift the 220. guess i should say i reached for it. by this time the yote was at dead run.

he did stop at about 100yds i had the target dot on his front should and squeezed off dud round. this is the round with moisture in it.

fish another shell outa my pocket and mis him running at about 150

thats one realy well trained dog now.

ever since sunday ive been packn the 2506 and 100gr nos bts. i think the fast follow up shot is almost mandatory when dealing with dogs at 5-150yds. i may have had that dog if the first shot didnt miss fire and i had fast follow up for 3rd attemp.

even so idid miss a 200yrder broad side standing lookin at me just 2 days ago the shot was just to easy with the 25. i think over confidence killed me on that one.

the 3006 is soon to be the light weight coyote rig shooting 165s nos bts. i wanna test it on hides so i can tell you all that the nos balistic tips are easy on hides. ;)

anyways ill quit rambleing


Andy L
11-11-2005, 12:20 AM
Good Job Evan!! My dogs have come when I called for years. Glad your gettin em trained.....

I dont know why you would be shooting at your dog after calling it to you. That doesnt make much sense. If you pet them after you call, they will come easier next time.

Oh, and you saw a coyote while you were out dog training, thats cool too......

BTW, a 30-06 with any bullet will never be a fur rifle. Dont fool yourself or blow it up any of our hineys either.



One more thing, follow up shots are only needed on coyotes, I dont know about dogs, on poor first shots. I would be willing to bet I have killed at least close to as many as you have, if not more, and very few need follow up shots. And, most of mine have been killed with a .224 cal bullet and smaller. Know why? Good first shots.

Of course thats on coyotes. Now if your shooting bull mastifs or something.....

model 70
11-11-2005, 08:37 AM
fun, ain't it? taking the .270 up to farm country saturday afterwork. gonna see what those 130gr. bt's do to dogs hopefully:D

11-13-2005, 10:36 AM

i shot coyot at about 300ish with the 270wsm and 140gr nos bt reloads. coyote dropp like sack of bricks and the bullet didnt exit.

i exspect the same perfromance from 308 165gr nos bts at moderate ranges.

model 70
11-14-2005, 08:21 AM
no 'yotes last weekend:( i'm guessing it's because of all the people out pheasant hunting. next time i guess.

11-20-2005, 09:32 PM
you gota use enough caliber to kill a coyote dead. i consider anything smaller than 25 cal to small velocities also mut be over 3000 at the muzzle.

ive learned in moist cases if i miss the first shot a follow up is waste of time and powder.

just this evening missed yet another coyote. 100yds standing still he turned and ran if i wanted i could have emptied the rifle. there were two running from me.

theres only been a handfull of times if anchored a dog while running. most times if not all are luck.

the most memorable was dog that i anchored with my old m77 mKII vt in 220 at 300is one shot as the dog was running from me in the snow. he was actualy headed away from me and quarting back to the right alittle bit.
at the shot he flipped completly over in the snow and sank in the powder. ounce getn to him it was very evident that i tagged him right in the back of head.

then there was one the 270win anchored at dead run. i emptied all of the 4 shells and managed to hit him with the last one. dog just kinda slid to a stop.

theres be a few more but i cant remember them. the majority are stadning broad side at long range.


ps that was joke about useing enough caliber.

i think im going to throwing rocks cant seem to hit nothn right now no matter how easy the shot.