View Full Version : Geese
11-10-2005, 10:08 PM
No wounder I cant ever get any. These guys flying in town, getting ready to land behind the hospital where my Sister-in law just had a baby.
Just thought Id share..
11-10-2005, 11:21 PM
I feel your pain. I was driving to a seminar yesterday morning and almost wrecked the car looking at several thousand geese in a field along the highway.
11-11-2005, 05:12 PM
Don't whine to me boy, I have to sit 500yrds from Iowa and watch you jerks shoot geese while our season waits a week.
wish you were here, got 10 today making this years duck count 64.
Gee, I wish all of you were here who's season is over or not started or you poor guys who have to work.
11-11-2005, 11:43 PM
Oh TJ,
Who gets to sit and listen to the other blasting away in March?
Galsburge isnt all that far from me! I live in Burlington!
11-13-2005, 04:51 PM
March??? You must be hearing the Kiethsburg trap club then not us.
Where do you hunt, we hunt out of Oquawka, pool 18, Ill. side of course.
the going trend around my area is to level crop fields and put up industrial parks, you know a bank, a few offices, some rehabilition centers etc.... well no self respecting developer would be without ponds all over his industrial park. Man the geese just love them up, we do our best to hunt the farmland on the perimeters, but why fly when you can walk off the pond with the fountian and eat grass.
tuesday the killing begins
question, does any body here have continued success in cut soybean fields? this morning after a late start i found the field i wanted was still standing corn so i crossed the street into cut soy. well when the geese started coming out of the industrial complex they were piling in on the far side of the field, my corn leafed finisher probably stuck out like a sore thumb, but i missed the goose hunting equivelant of the 7/10 split and only double on the one chance i got at geese. i never gave soy a thought because i never saw them in it, but now i wonder :confused:
damn city geese, gotta love'em
11-15-2005, 02:39 PM
IMHO, bean stubble is an excellent option, high in protein, geese, deer and other critters like it over corn until it has been wet. I've found after the stubble gets wet they leave it alone.
I don't know if it spoils or what but I've been watching a flock for a week grazing their way across a field, yesterday and today we have rain and they are in the corn across the road. Just seemed logical to me.
11-16-2005, 12:33 AM
I have had success on cut soy bean fields. Heck, I am hoping to have some success in a couple of days on a cut soy bean field. Like you, one of the farms I hunt still has the corn standing, but the other has had the beans cut. Haven't done much scouting, but I know the geese have come to this cut bean field in years past.
so how do you guys hide? dig pits? not an option for me, but with absolutely zero 3-d effect on the ground the 15 inches up that the finisher stands looks like hell if you ask me. not much to grass it with in a bean field, maybe i must chase down some of that fake grass
11-16-2005, 12:16 PM
On the cut soybean fields, we have used bails of hay as a blind and we have set it up way before the season starts so that the geese get used to it. This year, I will be trying it with finisher blinds instead. If you take some old corn stubble or maybe some old hay, you might be able to get the finisher blind to look a little better than it does by itself.
i believe it was tj who had said something about them not liking beans after they get wet, well check this out, today in a lecture a professor went into something on soybean impaction. you see soybeans in a graduated cylinder can double in size if you just add a few drops of water. the cylinder simulates a gooses esophagus, just a few drops of goose spit can cause the beans to swell inside the esophagus rupturing it and blocking it. so tj, you just very well may be on to something about them not liking the larger, wet beans.
corn field with a puddle for tomorrow a.m
11-16-2005, 08:20 PM
Good luck in the am there kt. I am going to see if I can't get a shot on a big ol' deer that has been working a piece of woods I have after I drop my little girl off at daycare.
so del did you get the moose? i kinda had to laugh about yesterday, the last time i hunted this spot the flight path takes them always just 60 yds beyond the edge of the decoys so i set up far from the puddle and my decoys in hopes that they would fly right over head, well 7:10 (official eastern time to get off the quarry and fly) i hear that real throaty sound they make when they are close. look up and a single is coming right in locked up to the decoys, im 60 yds away, he lands, now i get up and walk to within 10 feet of him before he decides its a bad situation. back to the blind and another bunch lands in my spread. so i moved the blind and five minutes later all was done and i was picking up decoys.
ok enough about my season, sorry!
11-18-2005, 05:43 PM
Nah no luck but I am going to try him again tomarrow morning. I am hoping all the pressure that will be on the deer tommarow will push him into his bedding area early, and I'll be waiting:D My cousin saw him chasing deer lastnight so i know he is still up and at it. Kinda got worried caus the boys that hunt the woods that joins mine killed something this week. I found a big pool of blood at the entrance of ther trail we both use to get into the woods.
11-24-2005, 12:53 AM
TJ, were not far from each other. Know any Pattens? I hunt N. of Burlington. No river hunting for me yet, as I just got a boat, still no motor, should have that as soon as I get to WI. getting a 18 hp from a friend (price is VERY right).
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