View Full Version : Neck meat from Deer.

11-14-2005, 01:18 AM
I vacuum sealed and froze the neck meat off my muledeer, I've got a lot. I'd love to hear some suggestions on what you do with it and how you prep it.


11-14-2005, 02:50 AM
if you got fairly large pieces you can take it to a processor and get it corned like corned beef, i like it better than beef, it's great served with boiled potatoes garnished with butter and sprinkled with chopped parsley and a smidgen of paprika for color and served with a side of asparagus. or you can get it jerked. jerky and trail mix make a nice healthy light snack when your hunting and provides a lot of calories. along with a couple of hardboiled eggs in the pocket it's easy to carry don't have to worry about keeping it real cold.

just my personal tastes, you might be gagging by now.:eek:

11-14-2005, 01:33 PM
goign on the assumption that the neck on a muley is the same as a whitetail just bigger, I always crackpot my neck roasts overnight and then pull the meat into strips and then give it a coarse chop and make BB-Q out of it.

comes out very similar to pull pork in consistancy/texture and taste more like beef BB-Q

M.T. Pockets
11-14-2005, 02:14 PM
I love venison burger, the neck meat trimmings go in that meat bag for grinding.

11-14-2005, 04:08 PM
Originally posted by DaMadman
goign on the assumption that the neck on a muley is the same as a whitetail just bigger, I always crackpot my neck roasts overnight and then pull the meat into strips and then give it a coarse chop and make BB-Q out of it.

comes out very similar to pull pork in consistancy/texture and taste more like beef BB-Q

your making me hungry again. i love bbq shreded pork. scrumdiddleyumptious.

11-14-2005, 05:00 PM

11-14-2005, 10:19 PM
I have always used this meat for sausage.

11-19-2005, 12:42 PM
Neck meat make a great roast !!!!

mmmmmmm,good!!!!:D :D :D :D :D :D ;) ;) ;)

11-20-2005, 12:02 AM
I love to make stew and burger out of neck meat but this week a buddy gave me some jerky from burger. He has one of those caulking gun type of jerky makers. Just put in some ground meat and spices and squeeze out strips of goo for the smoker or oven. It makes very tender jerky because it is already ground up. His was Teriyaki and was some of the best I ever had!
Failing that, Bratwurst sausages would be my first choice for extra ground venison.

11-20-2005, 08:51 PM
Can it. Cut it into one inch cubes, put it in mason jars with some salt, and pressure cook it at 10 lbs. for 75 minutes at elevations less than 1000' and at 15 lbs. for elevations over 1000'. Then you can use it at any time for soups, stews, fajitas, stoganof (sp)etc. with no worries about thawing and planning. The posibilities are endless. Plus it lasts a long time. I canned 15 pints of venison this weekend. I use any scrap meat. the fat and tendons, etc. just kind of melt away. If there is a layer of grease on top when I open the jar up, I just discard it.

11-21-2005, 07:04 AM
You are the only other person I have ever met that cans venison like I do. I cook mine a little longer than you do... but I'll bet the outcome is the same.

My sisters like canned better than any of the rest.

If you are gonna follow McPat's advise... one word of warning. a pint of meat will feed about 3 or 4 adults for a meal. It doesn't look like a lot, but it's VERY dense, and goes a long way.

One way we like it is just saute' some onions in butter, then dump in the meat. Cook it till the fluid had boiled off. Then eat it on sandwiches or over noodles.


11-21-2005, 09:51 PM
Jabba is right, a little goes a long way. One of my family's favorite ways to have it is when I make a box of Rice-A-Roni. When you get to the part of the directions where you bring to a boil, I add the canned venison and maybe some frozen carrots or broccoli. Add a little soy and resume with the directions on the box. The kids just love it and I have only one pan to clean. Pretty good I'd say.

Onions and butter huh? Sounds good. I like those simple ideas.
