View Full Version : 1911a1 tool question.

11-14-2005, 04:37 PM
What sized rolled pin punch do I need in order to remove the rolled pin holding in the ejector on a Thompson/Auto-ordnance 1911a1 milspec?


11-16-2005, 02:19 AM
hey pardner

i use a 1/16 in. punch. works for me. if you have an old milsurp you might want to place a drop of penetrating oil on the pin first and let it set for a hour or so. i was taught to remove all pins left to right and replace right to left.

how does your thompson shoot? i bought the pit bull slide and customized a caspian frame, all the goodies i could find and it was my carry gun when i was working. it shoots like a dream. i've heard the regular thompsons are or were at the time nothing to sneeze at. good shooters and malfunction free. when ya really need one they worked. you don't need a hiccup when a life is on the line.

11-17-2005, 10:17 AM
Shes a danged fine shooter thats for sure. In fact she shoots better than I do :p

I will pick up a 1/16th and give it a try buddy. I appreciate the info.

I have changed out a good portion of her internals, not because they were bad, but just because. . . . knowwhatImean.


11-17-2005, 12:31 PM
i'm still laughing. your durn tootin' i know what you mean.

i started a number of years with a norinco 45 acp. then i bought some internal parts. barrels, triggers, hammers etc. then i bought the pit bull slide, wilson barrel etc, caspian frame.

over the years i have amassed $10000 and 99 cents worth of parts and four complete pistols.

used the norinco frame for a 22 target pistol. i bought the marvel 22 conversion kit. it is a beauty. i read about conversion kits in the rifleman magazine. they testers there said the marvel shot the best of all the kits and it does. the marvel kit is a bit more expensive than the others but well worth it. it came with a iron sight setup and i purchased the sope mount and 4 mags. they are steel mags not the plastic crap.

my best friend here in town is a gunsmith. we were out at the range one day testing some rifles that he had built and i pulled that gun out of the pickup and my gunnies 12 year old daughter spotted it. her eyes got as big as dinner plates. we had some of those osama targets from a few years ago and she commenced shooting at 50 yards. when she finished almost a brick of ammo, the face was completely gone from the target and my fingers hurt fom loading mags. i wouldn't want her to be angry at me if she had a gun in her hands. the kid is one hell of a shot. concentration, trigger and breath control that she employed were top notch. she's a miniature annie oakley. small built too just like annie. but the heart of a tiger. loves to hunt and fish.

well it's gettin' on to lunch time. hope i didn't give you any additional ideas. but thats what friends are for right? ;)

11-17-2005, 01:24 PM
Durn right thats what friends are for. I been thinkin for some years about gettin ahold of a longslide. Last gun show I spotted a ragged out AMT Hardballer, problem was he wanted a new price for a VERY used gun. I went home without it, but I been smitten ever since. . . . .
