11-14-2005, 09:29 PM
kay boys and girls picked up some new powder. h4350 and 75vmaxes along with a brick of win lr MAG primers. hmmmmmm also have imr 4831 imr 4350 and h380. ohhhh and h414 and rl19.
i noticed alittle hodgon info id never seen before on the h4350 bottle it has rem 2506 magnum load listed at 3700 with 75vmax and 58.5 grs and rem 9.5 primers (lr)
i figured since my 2506 is at magnum status id bump a hair below the 58.5gr load and work up to maybe 2 grs above the load listed just to see what i run into with my magnum.
i may find acruacy below of abovve that load. or i may not find it all since mines a magnum. or i maight run into pressure and only it make it .5 above theyre load
anyways i thik thats what im gona try. i picked up the powder to replace my imr4350. i was loading for the 270wsm useing the imr 4350 but recently found that the 4350powders are workin wonders in the 3006 so i figured id get the H powder this time.
the load on the side of the bottle intrigued me and is worth trying .
ohhhhhhhh look at this how can the 2506 not be magnum
the 7mmrem mag as stated on the bottle is pushn a 140gr nos partition at 2927fps useng only +.5grs than the 2506 load i was talking about.
grrrrrrrrrrr deeeeeeeeeeemaaaaat my little spat there dosnt realy work cause theyre only useing win lr primers in the 7mm hog bumps the load up with mag primer at the 338 super dopper win mag.
anyways i apoligize now. ive had a few beers and a couple VO and 7s to get me all mellow and opionnated tonight.
i want to bump some powder but i dont think thats a good idea right now.
i noticed alittle hodgon info id never seen before on the h4350 bottle it has rem 2506 magnum load listed at 3700 with 75vmax and 58.5 grs and rem 9.5 primers (lr)
i figured since my 2506 is at magnum status id bump a hair below the 58.5gr load and work up to maybe 2 grs above the load listed just to see what i run into with my magnum.
i may find acruacy below of abovve that load. or i may not find it all since mines a magnum. or i maight run into pressure and only it make it .5 above theyre load
anyways i thik thats what im gona try. i picked up the powder to replace my imr4350. i was loading for the 270wsm useing the imr 4350 but recently found that the 4350powders are workin wonders in the 3006 so i figured id get the H powder this time.
the load on the side of the bottle intrigued me and is worth trying .
ohhhhhhhh look at this how can the 2506 not be magnum
the 7mmrem mag as stated on the bottle is pushn a 140gr nos partition at 2927fps useng only +.5grs than the 2506 load i was talking about.
grrrrrrrrrrr deeeeeeeeeeemaaaaat my little spat there dosnt realy work cause theyre only useing win lr primers in the 7mm hog bumps the load up with mag primer at the 338 super dopper win mag.
anyways i apoligize now. ive had a few beers and a couple VO and 7s to get me all mellow and opionnated tonight.
i want to bump some powder but i dont think thats a good idea right now.