View Full Version : Fur Prices

11-15-2005, 07:32 AM
I picked up a copy of Fur, Fish and Game and read some of the articles on trapping. It got me very interested in trapping. Since I do alot of fishing and hunting, one more outdoor activity would always be nice. Here's my question: What price do you get for a fur? I know that's an open ended question because it depends on the type of fur and condition. I guess around North Carolina here we have alot of beaver, coyote, opossum, racoon, bobcat and so on. What kind of money would you get for those furs if they were handled/prepared correctly? Who do you sell them to? I see there are some companies you could ship them to. Do you usually find someone local?

Another question... what do you do with all of that meat?

11-15-2005, 02:02 PM
Never mind. I've done some reading about prices and I guess it all depends on the market.

11-15-2005, 03:32 PM
What other outdoors activity can pay for its own gas, and leave a little bit of change in your pocket?

Dont go strictly by ff&g, those are just "expected" prices, and usually fair a little better then they predict.

11-15-2005, 03:45 PM
Fur fish and game as market prices listed in the november issue.

In indiana the company comes to New Castle Indiana each year in January or feb. and I sell directly to them at that time. Normally if I just trap I end up loosing some money on the whole (gas, Time, and lost/solen traps lure license ect) . No one picks up road kills anymore and since i drive alot for work I pick them up if there in good condition.

lAST YEAR I TRAPPED 6 MUSKRAT, 21 RACCOONS, AND SHOT 2 FOX and 3 yotes. 14 dollars for tag, 3 for coon lure, one stolen trap.

In roadkilled pickups 52 raccoons, 2 fox (one was really bad hit) and since the company pays for gas cost zero.

11-15-2005, 04:54 PM
I never even thought about road kills. I know around North Carolina, no body picks up road kills... not even the state highway maint... there are some deer I see on the side of the road that are there from being hit until they turn to dirt. I guess you would primarily do that when it's cold huh?

11-15-2005, 07:41 PM
Local guy pays $10 for coon no matter what size = pretty darn sad to say the least.

01-03-2006, 03:20 PM
I find FF&G's prices are usually inflated, especially considering they state something to the effect that these are prices you can expect from a local or country buyer.

I ship all my fur to NAFA and get far better prices than some of the other trappers I run into. In fact, when I tell them what I averaged on certain animals by shipping my fur, they usually want details and end up shipping to NAFA as well.

01-03-2006, 04:49 PM
NAFA is definitely the way to go.