View Full Version : Busted !!!
11-19-2005, 06:19 PM
Well I went out yesterday afternoon and had made three stands with no luck. It was getting late and I shuffled off the edge down a canyon a ways I set the speaker up and trailed the cable back to where I would set the old JS tape player up. I settled in for what I knew would be my last stand of the day as the sun had already ducked behind the mountains and the temp was dropping fast. I hit the button on the player and out of the speaker wafted the agonizing moans and squeals of the a cotten tail rabbit in its last moments of life. The tape had been running for about 15 minutes or so when out of the corner of my eye I thought I saw movement. I slowly turned my focus to that location but saw nothing I let the tape contunue for another 5 minutes with nothing the light was very poor and I decided to call it a day. I punched the stop on the player and took one last look around. Satified there was nothing I began to rise up when I heard the Wuff of a coyote and saw what I thought I has seen earlier in the stand. Yes, I was busted the old dog was alittle more patient than I was and this what makes predator hunting so enticing to those of us who do it. Well I'm head out again in about an hour or so maybe I'll get to fire a shot maybe not either way it will be enjoyable to me. I'll let you all know how it went.
11-20-2005, 08:57 PM
great hunt thanks for shareing.
most all the ones ive called in i spot as im gettn restless and impatiant.
but i cant hit them anymore so calling isnt doing me much good. called in pair this evening and missed at 100yds a perfect shot with the dog standing still lookin right at me.
the more i call the more they seem to come to me and the more i seem to miss. i need a good 300yder and and the dog is mine.
how your latest hunt go.
11-20-2005, 10:05 PM
Let's just say that there is just one less coyote in the world. :D
I'll explain. I set up in an area about two miles north of where Rocky and I had call a while back it was a large drainage that emptied into the Green River had lots of good side canyons and lots of good cover for the dogs to approach with numerous open shooting patches. I set the speaker in a thick sagebrush and moved back and to the right about 20 yards. I got in prone position and low in to the sage where I could monitor the field of fire for the aprroach of any varmint. I set there for what seemed like ten minutes but after checking the watch it was more like two. So I decided to hit the tape player and let the mornful cries loose. I saw movement on the ridge out about 1000 yards and thought here it comes I moved the rifle scope to my eye and clearly saw a large male coyote trotting my way. He did not seem to be in a great hurry but it was a steady trot. I lost him as he dipped into a channel out at about 700 yards and did not come out the other side like I had suspected. I then began to think did he see something he didn't like, did he wind me?? No, he was just using the cover to make his approach he re-appeared up the channel out about 300 yards staring straight at the bush with the speaker in it. He was cautious but delibrate. As he made his way to what he thought was dinner. I waited until he was behind a bush and lined up on him as he was making his final approach he again stopped at about 125 yards next to some rabbit brush and stared intently at the bush with the speaker in it. I centered the crosshairs of the the tasco on his chest and touched the trigger of the 6mm at the crack of the rifle I lost him in the scope but there was the familar wack of the 70 grain TNT bullet striking flesh. I recoved from the recoil of the Ruger and placed the scope were I had last seen the coyote. I saw him folded up right were he should have been staring right at the same bush that held the speaker he thought was dinner. I let the tape play for another five minutes with nothing to show. I walked the 125 yard to retrieve the yote and when I got there I looked down on one of the oldest coyotes I have ever seen. His front teeth were nearly down to the gums several were missing his left upper canine was gone and the lower right was broken he had what looked like a healed gunshot on his right hind leg. Yes, he was in bad shape likely would not have made it through this winter, but then who knows yotes are surprisingly tuff animals.
11-21-2005, 07:38 AM
man i think i may need to venture that way.
great hunt.
Rocky Raab
11-26-2005, 03:09 PM
Good work, Kirk! Wish I'd been there.
Pick up a roadkill bunny next time you go out (Shouldn't be too ripe now that it's cold) and hang that in the bush with the speaker. Sight, sound and smell. You'll get no more hang-ups, I bet!
11-26-2005, 06:28 PM
Always good advise Rocky!
Take care.
11-27-2005, 10:18 AM
hey now how do i pack a rad kill bunny in my pocket.:)
12-19-2005, 09:15 PM
Very carefully Evan, Very carefully!!!:D
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