View Full Version : Happy Thanksgiving 2005

Adam Helmer
11-20-2005, 12:50 PM
I wish a Happy Thanksgiving Day to all the great folks who frequent this Forum. You folks make this site worth visiting and I am thankful for your continued support.

I have a new extended family and will spend Thanksgiving Day amidst a lot of PA hunters. Many are muzzleloaders and we will have a ML shoot before the turkey comes out of the oven on November 24.

I lost a dear buddy on October 13, 2005 when the vet told me my 10-year-old Golden, Webley, needed to be put to sleep. Web lies on the farm in the 20-acre hayfield he dearly loved. Someday I will rest near to him on this farm.

Fortunately, on August 23, 2005 we got another dog from the SPCA, a female Yellow Lab, Lori, who Webley got to indoctronate with all his good attributes. Lori is our 6-month-old "new" dog and is doing well.

Happy Thanksgiving to all.


Mr. 16 gauge
11-20-2005, 01:47 PM
Sorry to hear about Webley.:( I had to put my dog to sleep 5 years ago due to a fast moving cancer; he was only 10years old, and was a great hunting dog (American Water Spaniel)...he was my first hunting dog, I trained him myself, and he will probably be the best I ever had.
Happy Thanksgiving to all.....My family will be celebrating at the in-laws while I sit around the house waiting for the pager to go off.....:( Will probably have one of the two ducks I shot this fall for dinner. Maybe I'll get lucky and get caught up on some of my reloading.;)

Adam Helmer
11-20-2005, 05:26 PM
Mr. 16 gauge,

Thanks for the kind words for Web. He was almost human as we spent the last 9 years together and he understood English and German.

I hope you have a good Thanksgiving day. Are you now training another dog? Lori is coming along and loves to go for long walks over the farm. When she sees me with a gun, she goes "nutso" and runs to the door.

Be well.


11-21-2005, 05:02 PM
Thanks and Happy Thanksgiving to all of you.There is nothing like a good dog!!

Mr. 16 gauge
11-21-2005, 05:27 PM
I've had my chessie, Delta, now for 5 years. Unfortunately, she missed most of last season due to a torn ACL and resulting surgery. This year, we just didn't seem to get into the birds very much, and when we did, she just didn't seem all that much interested. I plan on getting some pigeons and working with her this coming winter a bit.....maybe she just forgot how. Here is a pic of her from last summer when we were at a cottage....she is enjoying two of her favorite things: water and retrieving!:)

Ain't nothin' like the smell of wet dog!!!!!:D

Adam Helmer
11-25-2005, 12:46 PM
Mr. 16 gauge,

Great photo of Delta. Yep, dogs are a big part of many folks' lives. My Lori, a 6 month-old Yellow Lab, is taking over my household. I have taken her upland hunting several times, but we found no grouse. Well, maybe next year.
