View Full Version : Opion on Starlite Brass

11-20-2005, 03:18 PM
I bought 100 rounds of Starlite brass in 7.62 X25mm I loaded it with Accurate No. 7, 6.8 grains, a CCI 500 primer and a Hornady 86 grain round nose. All seemed to work fine shot well pristol functioned well no complaints. Then I went to reload it again. More than half of the primer pockets were so large that I could not get a primer to seat. So I called Starline and told them the story that I have just related. They told me that I must have done something wrong like too much powder or had a small rifle primer in place of the small pistol. I said that I do not think so but would check so I did and the load was as I stated. Made a second call to Starlite and explained the stituation again was again told it was loader error. I guess I'll be trying to reload Sellor Bellot or Fiocchi from now on it sure won't be that soft junk from Starlite. :mad:


11-20-2005, 07:19 PM
Alot of people have problems with the "7.62x25" loadings.

not sure how many here deal with it, but over at gunboards.com, in the czech forums, or reloading forums, they have abit of info handy.

Rocky Raab
11-21-2005, 03:53 PM
Kirk, I've had absolutely nothing but the best results with Starline brass. It's premium stuff in every batch that I've seen.

Before we condemn the brass, I think I'd suspect something else. Maybe that lot of powder is a bit fast (lot variation seems to be fairly common with Accurate powders), or perhaps the rear of that gun's chamber is a bit loose. I can think of a half-dozen things that may have peaked the pressure in some of your loads.

Did you offer to send some of the cases back to Starline for testing?

11-22-2005, 06:47 AM
Sure did I shipped all the fired and 15 never loaded back to them. I thought the same thing so I took the gun down to a certian smith that we both know the old Belgium fellow and had him look it over he found nothing out of order. I next loaded some rounds in a 9mm with the same powder and shot them, no problem so I took the few SB cases in 7.62 x25, I had and loaded them with the same load. Shot them deprimed the case and reprimed the cases no problem. So next I took 10 never loaded Starline cases went to the books and found two powders that I have Unique and Bullseye. The unique load was 4.5 grains and the Bullseye was 3.5 grains this is a starting load for each. I also put a heavy crimp on each thinking that perhaps the bullet was being shoved back into the case. I measured each round after loading and got 1.375", next I chambered each round in the CZ-52 and ejected it then remeasured each round again got 1.375". So no movement of the bullet back into the case.

Again I had 3 out of five failers with the Unique load and 2 out of 5 with the Bullseye load.

I supplied the load data to Starline. I asked Starline if maybe it was just a bad lot of brass I have not gotten an answer back yet, still early in the process. I'll keep you posed as to what they say, if they say if they say anything.

I have also sent 5 cases of the Starline brass and 3 cases of the SB brass to Kevin Kennedy & Associates, Inc. where a friend of mine works. I have asked him to test and see how it compares in hardness and metallurgy (ie) what it is made of.


Rocky Raab
11-22-2005, 09:54 AM
I knew you'd be thorough!

That should cover all the bases of troubleshooting. Let us know how it goes.