View Full Version : miss #5 i think called coyotes

11-20-2005, 08:34 PM
headed out this evening after punchn paper with the 2506.

called for a few minutes, paused and went again did this a few times and started spotn deer down the gully.

just as i was getn fidgety i was like **** theres coyote standn there lookin at me. it was about 100yds off all i could see was chest and head.

dog let me rais the 25 and get a good bead on him. put the cross hair right on his chest and yanked away. i dont know where my jerkn on the trigger is comeing from all the sudden this is 5 easy missed shots now.

at the crack the dog turned and ran and i saw another headed out with it. brush was to thick and they didnt stop for nothing.

made a seccond stand two gullies over almost the same everything as far as terrian. im sitn there calling and i see grey out of the corner of my eye i turn my head just enough to see what it was.
i coulda swore he was close enough to lick me. lol my free hand was on the rifle and it instantly went in my pocket for the camera. i actualy got the camera out of my pocket. but as soon as i raised my arm to shoot pic he bolted. he must of been inside 5 yards.

thats the 3rd deer ive called in while coyote hunting say far this winter

2506 is not going next time. im getn bad vibes from it. im prepn 220 cases right now. just prepped around 50 and ive got a boat load more to go.

im also gona try and get the 22/250 to shoot. i waas just messn with seating depth on it and its long. that initself is givn me hope that ounce i get to brewn some loads in it that it may be shooter. first load to test is h380 mag primers and 55vmaxes seated on the lands. 6-18 is mounted and bore sited. now all i need is some time at the range and reloading bench. should be easy latly all ive been doing is reloading hunting and punchn paper like crazy.
