View Full Version : Loading for 6.5-06 what brass do you use?

11-23-2005, 08:56 PM
Was wondering any of you 6.5-06 users, What brass do you prefer to resize? The 25-06 or the ,270 ? And what brand works best for you Remington . Winchester or other? Mine seems to be a smidge more accurate using reformed 270 brass in Remington. Opinions wanted, Roy:)

11-24-2005, 03:31 AM
id use the 2506 in hope that i didnt have to trimm cases that and ive got alot of 25 brass hidden all over

11-24-2005, 08:13 AM
Well, my first question would be: do you have a 6.5-06 or a 6.5-270?
And the answer to that question may give some guidance as to what brass to use.
Now that you're going "What the Heck is that moron talking about? " I'll explain. :D
270 brass (and 25-06 brass) is a hair longer than 30-06 brass.
So... you might avoid a bit of trimming if you use 30-06 brass to make 6.5-06 brass.
Now, to complicate things...... I suspect the wildcat commonly known as the 6.5-06 is actually the 6.5-270. Or, in other words, the chamber was cut for the slightly longer 270 brass to start with.
Might be a good idea to find out before you make your brass.

11-24-2005, 02:21 PM
didnt the also change shoulder angles just abit between the 270 and 3006. ??

11-24-2005, 06:31 PM
Jack, Thanks for the info , I must have a 6.5-06 though because I have shot 270 brass out of it and did have to trim the casings first. The only glitch I see about resizing 30-06 brass is that once downsized you have a thickening of the case necks due to sizing them down. This can cause chamber probelms later on down the line so I use 270 casings and deal with the trimming. Once trimmed though I must have a barrel that a new reamer was used on because I get very little to no case stretch at all. That in itself is a real bonus. When full length resizing fireformed brass ,the die goes right down with little resistance. :) Meaning long case life! Regards Roy

11-25-2005, 07:49 AM
or it was alittle undersized to keep the tolerance tighter. may also be the reason your trimming. what barrel is it. who makes it and what are the chamber dimensions?
im bankn that its match chamber

11-25-2005, 12:25 PM
The word I get from all my friends most of wich are big wildcatters the highest quality brass comes from over the ocean. Norma is there favorite brass it tolerates sizing and forming very well and it lasts a long time. I would also use 30-06 brass to save a little time and even if it is slightly shorter to start with it won't be after you fire it. I'm glad to see another 6.5mm fan around these parts I'm currently building a .264 Win Mag myself and if you havn't heard check out Swift the came out with a Scirocco that is 130gr and has a BC .571 thought you might be intrested.

11-25-2005, 03:07 PM
Thanks Rumluver, I will check out the swift bullets. Evan my Barrel is a heavy sporter weight by ER Shaw. Roy

11-25-2005, 04:27 PM
Glad to help!

I have a box of the Swift bullets on my bench now and am drooling over them. I can't wait to see how they are going to shoot in mu rifle when its done I will post targets when I have them.:)

11-26-2005, 01:49 PM
what did they ream it with.

chamber would be alittle tighter if yours was one of the last ones off the barrel reamer line.

11-28-2005, 01:19 PM
Jack, .25-06 brass isn't longer than .30-06 brass. Both cases are 2.494" long. I use .25-06 brass to form for my 6.5-06. In fact, in the Nosler Manual itstates that Nosler uses .25-06 brass to test fire their 6.5 bullets at the Nosler Plant. Yes, the ,270 brass is longer and you will have to trim all those formed cases.


11-28-2005, 01:24 PM
6.5sForever, your chamber may have been made to fire .270 reformed brass in the 6.5-06 you have! I have heard of people that had their chambers reamed that way as to use .270 brass so they don't have to trim the cases. It can be done at the time you are having the chamber reamed.
