View Full Version : Can't Find Minimum Case Length?22 Hornet..

11-24-2005, 08:37 PM
Does anyone know what (or if) the minimum case length is for the 22 Hornet.I think the max was 1.405" or something?? I don't have my old Sierra Book next to me right now.. Thanks

11-24-2005, 09:48 PM
1.393 min case length..trim to length or whatever..Max is 1.403

Ol` Joe
11-24-2005, 10:42 PM
Normal "trim to lenght" is 0.010" under max case lenght reguardless of cartridge being loaded.

11-26-2005, 01:36 AM
With all due respect, Do you even have a reloading manual ?
All of the 20+ odd manuals that I have, they ALL have 22 Hornet
info. JMHO.

11-27-2005, 08:52 PM
Originally posted by "yote"
With all due respect, Do you even have a reloading manual ?
All of the 20+ odd manuals that I have, they ALL have 22 Hornet
info. JMHO.

I posted this initially:

Does anyone know what (or if) the minimum case length is for the 22 Hornet.I think the max was 1.405" or something?? I don't have my old Sierra Book next to me right now.. Thanks

I do have a reloading manual but it was not next to me when I posted this thread as you can read above. And there is info in it but I did not remember finding a minimum length any where in it.. I have about 18 years of reloading under my belt so I'm not an overnight expert. 2 folks replied with helpful info and your reply didn't give me anything at all. It seemed a little rude if you ask me. I guess perception is everything??Thanks for the info Ol' Joe and skeet..Adios for now..

11-28-2005, 01:11 AM
Did you read my last? JMHO !! If you want BASIC INFO, keep your info handy. Nuf Said.

11-28-2005, 08:08 AM
Originally posted by "yote"
Did you read my last? JMHO !! If you want BASIC INFO, keep your info handy. Nuf Said.

I didn't see the JMHO. I was a little on edge last night because of TOO MANY of the wifes family in our house for the last week. :mad: Some times folks(myself) shouldn't write letters or type when they have a LOT of anger in their veins. I didn't mean to snap back or be too sensitive. I do have a couple of reloading books on hand and have been loading the same 22 Hornet loads for a long time until my Kimber Hornet was stolen and I had to buy a new Hornet. I am experimenting now with the new hornet and with some of the info I have learned on this forum over the pasy 4 or 5 years. The crimping has really helped the accuracy but the last time out I had mixed results and was really wanting some help with what might be going on.

I have always just went off of the BOOK guidlines and seated my bullets out just off the lands and tried different bullets/powder/primers until I found the load for that gun. Not a lot more to it than that in my reloading experiences over the years. I don't do a ton of reloading anymore so I am still pretty much loading like I was taught many years ago. The only up to date info I get is off of here and a few other "Reloading" forums that some close friends are on..

This forum is better than most of the info I have on hand. I do read everything thoroughly before I do it and/or ask the folks on here. It seems that I get a few replies on most of my questions that are pretty much the same from different folks. That confirmation from experienced reloaders really settles my worrys and nerves about anything I am going to try that I am new to.This forum is really a life saver.
Thanks again for the info. Didn't mean to snap"yote". Adios' for now..