11-25-2005, 10:30 AM
Hopefully, within the week there will be a non-confidence motion and the Liebral gov't will fall and an election called. We can only hope Allan Rock, the permanent ambassador to the UN will be recalled and Wendy Cukier will have her anti-gun funding cut! C-68 doesn't work, it never has and never will. Handguns have been registered since 1934, there has never been a documented case that their registry has solved a crime. The $2 billion spent has not saved one life or solved one crime, but rather has made criminals out of Law-abiding citizens. The auditor-general has been denied access to the Canadian Firearm Centre budget because of the unregulated use of untendered contracts with no specific services to be rendered. The present Gov't has had 12 years to improve conditions in Canada, whether it be policing, judicial, medical, military....Last week they decided conditions were in an abysmal state so $30 billion was "promised" to fix it. We are being bribed by our own money, so they can be re-elected to swindle us for yet another 5 years. Unfortunately, I speak to the converted, but through information and debate hopefully some of the "sheeple" will think carefully and make a decision to stop these Political gangsters and racketeers.