View Full Version : Any venision on the meat pole?

Mr. 16 gauge
11-26-2005, 09:22 AM
Some of your seasons have opened already, others are yet to come.......anyone gotten any deer yet? I probably won't be getting out this year; I start a new job in a week. Let's see some pics if you got 'em!

Adam Helmer
11-26-2005, 02:14 PM
Mr. 16 gauge,

Very good post! Our rifle deer season in PA opens on Monday, November 28th. The wife and I will be out at first light along with Gil Martin. Gil is my twin brother and hunts out of Fort Edward, I hunt out of Fort Ticonderoga.

Our Traditional (flintlock) deer season begins right after Christmas. Good luck on the new job and in the field.


12-05-2005, 12:41 PM
good topic indeed. although im not defendin a fort i too am from PA the meat pole is empty by choice, it seems as i get older, i am less interested in taking the first one to walk by, in the past it was getting my deer, today i see having to drag it out, hang it and butcher it, a process that i really can not fit into my rediculous schedule right now, not to mention my flinter is laid up at the moment in need of attention from me, so until i get some time who knows. so far i was only out the opener. saw four illegal bucks some nice ones at that, and two doe i just didnt feel like bothering with
graduation is december 17, then i can get down to some hunting!

12-20-2005, 04:43 AM
Iwent home empty handed. Erred...passed up does because I'd seen some nice bucks earlier. Should've taken the does. :(

12-20-2005, 09:03 AM
After a long dry spell of not seeing a buck since 2001 and not getting once since 2000 if finally got one. Must be a button buck got thru all the doe killers to live to grow horns.

Only a four point but they are better eating than those big old bucks anyhow. I haven't shot a doe in years as the farmers and doe killers around me keep the deer shot off anyhow. Gotta leave some breeding stock.

At least the DNR isn't blaming the drop in the deer kill all on the weather this year. Finally admitting they have the herd shot down to there goals in northern lower and the UP. Maybe not the hunters goals but theres.

Adam Helmer
12-28-2005, 05:28 PM

Here in PA our Game Commission seems to be on the same deer killing spree as your DNR. I have hunted with my .54 flint Hawken for the past 3 days and have yet to see my first deer. When I bought this farm in 1988, I used to see 8 or 10 deer everytime I walked the perimeter. The PGC says, "Things are better now." Whatever!


Adam Helmer
01-06-2006, 07:46 AM
We have one more week of Flintlock season here in PA. No deer yet; it has been rainy and sleeting all this week and I have seen no deer here on the farm. Tomorrow I will hunt another farm where the owner saw 11 deer last night in his hayfield.

We can take a buck or doe on our ML license, I am looking for a buck. Has anyone scored so far this season?


01-07-2006, 06:51 AM
My first one this year, Just fillin up the freezer,, I'm glad I can get close to em, My 58 y/o eyes just ain't what they used to be

My Lady showin it off to some neighbors