View Full Version : "Road Rage" article in our weekly newspaper/

Adam Helmer
11-26-2005, 02:35 PM
We had a front page article in our weekly newspaper today (Wellsboro, PA Gazette) about a woman who was driving in this rural county with "occasional cell service" who was pursued by a guy in a van. Well the article goes on and on about how the woman finally thought she was safe when the van turned off onto a side road. The "van guy" returned in a different van to her parked position at a store where she did finally make a #911 call to a state police "concerned dispatcher." In the interim, the "van guy" entered the victim's car, cursed her out, returned to his van and then tried to push her car into a drainage ditch. Finally, the state police did appear at her site and the "van guy" was long gone.

I sent a letter to the Editor of the Gazette and pointed out how we are responsible for our own safety and that woman would have been better off holding a S&W than a cell phone and chatting with a "concerned dispatcher" when "van guy" broke into her car. PA is a "shall issue" state and it is long past time people finally realized this is not Disneyworld! I hope my letter sees print.

The newspaper article did not state the length of state police response time. I called them once and the dispatcher told me, "I have no unit to send to your location." I got armed and went back to the armed tresspasser who threatened me on my land. He got the message quick, fast and right away and has not been back. Bottom line: we are responsible for our own safety.


11-26-2005, 06:13 PM
I couldn't agree more. What does it take for people to wake up? Those of us that are familar with firearms don't need convincing.
Some have a fear of firearms, others think "what are the odds of that happening to me" attitude. Those that are dead found out to late.

Adam Helmer
11-27-2005, 03:55 PM

You got it right; victims just never think it could happen to them. I have given handgun instruction to many folks who had a "wake-up call" when they least expected it.

Let us hope many honest folks take up CCW since all the bad guys who want guns are already armed! Just because the bad guys do not know which intended victim is armed, just makes it all more fair.


11-29-2005, 08:39 PM
I think that's why "road rage" is limited to honking a horn, down here in Florida. Instead of the enraged driver trying to hurt someone, like it was in N.Y. You never know who might have a piece, in "The Gunshine State".

Good job Adem!
Why is it that people assume that if there life is in trouble, there will be a L.E.O. on the spot to take care of it? The fact is that Police cant be everywhere.

11-30-2005, 11:38 AM
i still have no cell phones and deem them as near worthless. especially after mondays deer opener came and a guy walked by me using his nextel as a walkie with his office on the other end. i am thinking of a weapon for the car soon, the money is the limiting factor!

12-20-2005, 10:27 AM
I agree completely that police are not anyones personal protection force. I just finished my CCW class this weekend and learned some new laws that I didn't know previously. Mostly that you need a CCW to carry peppar sray in a pocket or a purse. Around here our local government and city athorities like to treat us like mushrooms. They diligently omit crimes from the local news paper like rape, prostitution, drugs and other violent crimes. Very few make it to the light and that lulls people into the attitude that "those things don't happen here". My wife asked why I felt the need to carry a firearm I told for the same reason people carry cellphones because there may be a time when I need it. I have carried before for years but not all the time mostly while hunting but now I have a permitt to do so. I gave this great thought and knew from my worldly travels in the Marine Corps that human nature comes down to "is it going to be me or them" and as a father to be in a 6 months I will do all I can to make sure that is them that pays for thier indescresions not me and my family. I wish more people would have to fend for themselves instead of living in privilage and would see what life realy boils down to "is it going to be me or them". Glad to see others out there that feel the same way!

01-07-2006, 09:35 PM
Originally posted by kt
I am thinking of a weapon for the car soon, the money is the limiting factor!

Money is hard to come by for me too, but I wouldn't let a small amount of money be a limiting factor in determining the purchase of a weapon for personal protection. Buy one now and worry about the money later.
Procrastinate and it could mean the difference between life and death in a serious situation and if that time ever comes you don't have to say to yourself, " I wished I would have bought that gun and had it with me now." That time may come when you really need it to protect yourself or someone else.

You don't have to save for that custom Kimber you know. There are several gun makers out there that have affordable pistols. ;)