Mr. 16 gauge
11-28-2005, 12:33 PM
The wife and daughter wanted to watch "Desperate Housewives" last night after decorating the house for Christmas!:rolleyes:
Since I have no use for such drivel, I dug out my DVD of "Jeremiah Johnson" and went to the other room. What a great flick! I remember as a kid watching "Drums along the Mohawk", "The Far West", and "The Northwest Passage" when they came on T.V., usually around this time of year. I also have "the Mountain Men" (with Brian Keith and Charelton Heston) on video tape....another great flick! I don't care if they are P.C. (period correct), historically correct, or not.....they are all great movies and helped to spark and fan the flame of traditional muzzleloading in me. In additon, I like "Last of the Mohicans"; I remember there used to be a serial on CBC with hawkeye, Chingachkok, black and white and I used to watch it then go outside and emulate it!;) The latest movie version, with Wes Studi and Daniel Day Lewis, wasn't bad either........
So how bout it, did I miss anything growing up that I should be looking out for, muzzleloading movie-wise?
I've also heard there is a new movie coming out about the Jamestown Colony called "The New World"; was suppose to be released NOv. 9th, but haven't heard anything more about it.:confused:
Since I have no use for such drivel, I dug out my DVD of "Jeremiah Johnson" and went to the other room. What a great flick! I remember as a kid watching "Drums along the Mohawk", "The Far West", and "The Northwest Passage" when they came on T.V., usually around this time of year. I also have "the Mountain Men" (with Brian Keith and Charelton Heston) on video tape....another great flick! I don't care if they are P.C. (period correct), historically correct, or not.....they are all great movies and helped to spark and fan the flame of traditional muzzleloading in me. In additon, I like "Last of the Mohicans"; I remember there used to be a serial on CBC with hawkeye, Chingachkok, black and white and I used to watch it then go outside and emulate it!;) The latest movie version, with Wes Studi and Daniel Day Lewis, wasn't bad either........
So how bout it, did I miss anything growing up that I should be looking out for, muzzleloading movie-wise?
I've also heard there is a new movie coming out about the Jamestown Colony called "The New World"; was suppose to be released NOv. 9th, but haven't heard anything more about it.:confused: