View Full Version : Muzzleloadin' movies

Mr. 16 gauge
11-28-2005, 12:33 PM
The wife and daughter wanted to watch "Desperate Housewives" last night after decorating the house for Christmas!:rolleyes:
Since I have no use for such drivel, I dug out my DVD of "Jeremiah Johnson" and went to the other room. What a great flick! I remember as a kid watching "Drums along the Mohawk", "The Far West", and "The Northwest Passage" when they came on T.V., usually around this time of year. I also have "the Mountain Men" (with Brian Keith and Charelton Heston) on video tape....another great flick! I don't care if they are P.C. (period correct), historically correct, or not.....they are all great movies and helped to spark and fan the flame of traditional muzzleloading in me. In additon, I like "Last of the Mohicans"; I remember there used to be a serial on CBC with hawkeye, Chingachkok, ect....in black and white and I used to watch it then go outside and emulate it!;) The latest movie version, with Wes Studi and Daniel Day Lewis, wasn't bad either........

So how bout it, did I miss anything growing up that I should be looking out for, muzzleloading movie-wise?

I've also heard there is a new movie coming out about the Jamestown Colony called "The New World"; was suppose to be released NOv. 9th, but haven't heard anything more about it.:confused:

Adam Helmer
11-29-2005, 05:57 AM
Mr. 16 gauge,

Great trip down memory lane. I like the 1939 movie, "Drums Along the Mohawk" with Henry Fonda, Claudette Colbert, Ward Bond and the others. "Last of the Mohicans" was good as was "Northwest Passage." They do not make movies like that anymore.


11-30-2005, 09:03 PM
Amen Adam,Amen.

steven gordon
12-05-2005, 08:59 PM
The original Davey Crockett movie I enjoyed a great deal when it came out but I won't say how old I was. There was another Walt Disney movie with a flint lock theme; I remember clearly that the good guy shot one bad guy (in this case, bad guy=Indians, sorry to my Hochungra friends) across the creek, the second one starts running across the creek while the good guy reloads and he shoots the bad guy with the ramrod. It was a very exciting fifteen seconds.

Black Robe was not a popular flick but it had some very interesting firearms.

It seems to me there was another flick about the time I was learning to read that involved a green horn with a percussion rifle meeting a bunch of mountain men with flintlocks.