View Full Version : Price of these guns?

12-01-2005, 11:11 AM
Can someone tell me what is the value (CDN $$$) of a 16-gauge and a 20-gauge Ivor-Johnson shotguns?
I have a chance to pick these up from a recently widowed woman. She has no clue what they are worth, and neither do I nor any of my friends.
They seem to be in fine shape, as if they were well used in their lifetime but well maintained too.
I think the brand name on them was "Champion."
Thanks in advance for any help you can give.
P.S. I've never owned a 16 or 20-gauge, is ammo readily available?
Are these quite effective on rabbits and grouse?

12-01-2005, 05:46 PM
As usual condition is everything on these old single shot shotguns. I recently sold a couple that were in good condition..used but well maintained. I sold them for 50 and 60 dollars US and that was a fair price. As far as ammo availability the 20 ga is easy to find. The 16...not as easy to find quality ammo. Not much good 16 ga ammo being made today. I have one of the Iver Johnson 16 ga singles in my mess of stuff. It is a little rare though as it has checkering and a solid rib..for trap shooting(also have one in 12) They even made one with a vent rib...for a very short time. Hope this helps

12-01-2005, 07:30 PM
When the Gun registry came in, I was given a 12ga. They aren't worth a lot, check Gunbroker for pricing, don't allow for the rate of exchange and that will be the price in Cdn $. FWIW.

12-02-2005, 11:50 PM
Thank you, gentlemen.
That's about what I figured.
I don't want to rip off this poor newly widowed woman, but I also don't want to pay too much.
Thanks again.
P.S. This 16-gauge has a checkered stock as well!