View Full Version : Winter Fun in Alaska

12-01-2005, 02:31 PM
It's been a while since I've posted on here. I've been on strick lock down since duck hunting ended. :) I started a trapline this year and have been very unsuccessful. I did manage to snare a snowshoe the other day, but haven't had any luck with beavers or fox. Tonight I'm going to pull my fox snares and try a different area. Hopefully that will bring some luck.

We went out last weekend for caribou and had just a spectacular day. We left well before first light and got to the area to begin glassing just a few minutes after daylight. Not 10 minutes of glassing, we found 8 animals. I shot the first one that stood still and then they took off. My partners let the rest go as they were too spooky. Not 10 minutes later, they found a herd of over a hundred on a lake and the rest is history.

We were back in Bethel by 2pm. The weather was around 15 degrees with very little wind. We could have shot more animals as two different herds approached us as we were butchering.

I was shooting my new .300 RUM and it performed flawlessly. My shot was just over 450 yards. The bullet entered in front of the ham and exited in front of the opposite front shoulder. The bullet punched through the stomach and the top of the heart. I was shooting factory 180 Swift Sciroccos and the bullet was found just inside the hide with a perfect mushroom.

The freezer is full now until this spring.

12-02-2005, 12:58 PM
good job kusko. congrats.

12-02-2005, 11:21 PM
Don't you just love your 300 RUM. Good job.

12-09-2005, 11:54 AM
cool, nice to see someone is getting to play this winter.

you going after musk ox this year?

12-12-2005, 05:48 PM
I love the RUM!! Man, that thing is a tack driver and howitzer.

I don't think I'll be muskox hunting this year which sucks because I have a friend out there and I could do it really cheap. We have a baby coming and I can't afford to take time off.

My trapping has picked up. I caught 3 fox last week in my snares. I hope to get serious about it during Xmas break.