View Full Version : New 1911A1 Grip Safety on the way!
12-01-2005, 04:50 PM
I love my milspec. I have changed out many a part on my milspec. I love my standard old fashioned milspec spur hammer and I AINT BOBBIN IT!!!!!!! My Old Milspec grip safety, however is a source of great dissapointment. Not because I want a beaver tail, far from it. I just want a wide grip safety so that I dont get the webbing of my hand bit when I do something incredibly stupid. (It has happeded three times, and that is twice to many)
So where does that leave me? The glorious King's gun works thats where. Enter the #203 wide grip safety. It is turned down (see below) to allow a milspec spur hammer. I find it to be dead sexy. We shall see how it works on my milspec. My Birthday present is on its way!
12-01-2005, 05:35 PM
hey bud
remember when i told you i customized all my 45's? well i have four of those little hand bitters in my parts drawer on my bench. i'm just a little fart, 5'11 and 150# as i step from the shower and they bit me. now if you are a big guy and got big beefy hands i can see where you would have a problem.
i never got bit during qualification, but i do remember guys down the line from me hollering, "sob" and shaking their hands.
so one of my first mods is ed brown beavertails and the little gizwicket to trim the frames so everything looks and fits nice. i love em'.
one other thing i find mandatory is the trigger bow staking tool. it takes out that 15" of creep from the trigger. you can even make a standard trigger livable.
12-02-2005, 08:58 AM
I am about the same height Billy, But I am over the 300# mark (and it aint ALL fat.)
Anyway the parts so far I have swapped out in this milspec?
Springfield Titanium Fireing pin and extra power spring.
3 hole Videki Long trigger.
Chip McCormick Low Mount Rear Sight (Which did not require my slide to be machined down thankfully)
#104 King's Hardball staked front sight (Only part not installed by me. I dont have a sight staker so a friend of mine did this)
Laser etched wood grips (manufacturer unkown. Dad got me these and they are great)
Wolf Recoil Spring
Wilson Combat #47D magazines (had to include this)
Work that has been done on the gun. (By me, other than just dropping in parts)
Polished the disconnector face just enough to remove the pakerizing.
polished the feed ramp and barrel throat just enough to smooth them out.
Custom fitted the Videki long trigger (This took a LONG time compariably)
Future upgrades.
King's #203 wide grip safety (on order now)
extended ejector
titanium mainspring cap
Furture upgrade maybes.
beveling the ejection port edge
titanium hammer strut
a Barsto barrel although it shoots great without it.
12-15-2005, 08:06 AM
I tried to warn you about them biting 1911A1's, but you wouldn't listen.
Just kidding, 1911's just dig in and its hard to change to something thats just compared to a 1911. The also rans are not the same.
I think you are doing good with the changes you've made. Keep it up.
Bulletpusher, "BBRSSC #1"
12-15-2005, 01:24 PM
grumble grumble
Wife told me last night we recieved a letter in the mail last wednesday that the part would ship in two weeks (Personal check) Sheesh I hate waiting!!!
01-02-2006, 08:13 AM
Well it looks and feels great, but there is one minor/major issue. The hole that the safety pin passes through to hold the grip into the gun is about 1/64th of an inch to small. Looks like it is time to visit the old hardware store to get some emry cloth again. . . . Until then the old grip safety is still in her.
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