View Full Version : broken antler tine

12-01-2005, 10:07 PM
looking to repair a broken (and missing) antler tine on a skull mount. any advice on material to use to mold/cast the broken one?

12-06-2005, 11:01 PM
Well.....had I read you post a lil better I coulda told you that you can order Antlers online at Most Taxidermy Stores Nation Wide.....

I think Dan chase has replacement Antlers try looking thru one of their online catalogs and see what you come up with......

08-03-2006, 03:19 PM
Several ways to deal with this..
If theres a similar tine on the rack a slip cast with 100% silicone for a mold and apoxie sculpt.
Scultping from a wire frame.
Buying a replacement tine and installing it with apoxie or similar to conect and then coloring...