View Full Version : Beretta 686 problem

12-03-2005, 10:36 AM
My beretta 686 20 Ga. will not fire the second barrel when the temperature drops below freezing. I suspect that it is a lubrication problem, as it shoots fine when the temps. are warm.
Just wondering if you knowledgeable folks would agree with this analysis or if you might link it to some other problem. Also how would I go about fixing the problem. Haven't ever had one of these apart. Any ideas would be greatly appreciated.--tr

12-03-2005, 02:55 PM
Your assessment seems proper. The 686 is easy to get to.. to clean up. You will have to take the stock off but that isn't a major problem. Then when off you give the trigger groups a nice spraying of cleaner. I use WD 40 for this...mainly cause it is easy to use. Then if you have a small bristle brush clean all the old grease and lube off the whole trigger area. If you have an air compressor...blow the whole thing dry. If you must use a lubricant on it..for cold weather use powdered graphite. Auto parts places have the graphite in little tubes for lubing car door locks for winter. Leave the stock off and put the darn thing in the freezer for an hour. Take it out and make sure it works. Uhhh on the Beretta 686 yoou will have to replace the stock and after dry firing the first bbl try setting the inertia trigger by hitting the butt of the gun with your hand forcefully. The trigger should fire the second bbl. If not then there is a mechanical problem....but I doubt it will be Good luck:D

12-03-2005, 04:23 PM
It may or may not be a mechanical problem. Since it is happening only in cold weather, I am wondering what types of loads you are shooting. The colder the weather, the slower the powder burns and the less velocity the load produces. With less velocity, there is less recoil and the inertia trigger on the 686 might not be getting set because of this reduced recoil.

I have this sort of problem in cold weather with my SBE. During the summer and early fall, I can shoot 1 1/8 oz. loads going 1145 fps without any problem, but when the temps are cold (i.e., 35 or below), that round will not cycle the action and I need to use something in the 1200 fps range. Now, I just use 1200 fps for all my 1 1/8 oz loads though that gun.

12-03-2005, 09:46 PM
Want to thank you guys for the replies on my 686. Going to tear it down tomorrow and do as suggested. Been shooting 11/4 oz. winchesters in it the last couple of weeks. As a side note, took out my old 20 Ga. winchester today for pheasants. Weather has been in the teens and snowing. Hunting has been awesome all week. The labs are just on fire with this weather. 20 minute hunt today to get a limit. Roosters are really holding great. The old winchester feels like lugging around a fence post. Do miss the light weight of the beretta. Thanks for the help.--tr

12-04-2005, 12:07 AM
If you are shooting 1 1/4 oz out of a 20 ga., that should be plenty of recoil under any circumstance. Tearing it down and cleaning it up is probably the right way to go.

Edited to add:

I have got to make it to one of the Dakotas some time soon for some pheasant hunting. Do you hunt public or private land? If public, can you give me any pointers?