View Full Version : Lever Evolution Ammo

12-07-2005, 06:14 AM
Hornady has developed a new bullet tip that allows pointed bullets to be loaded in tube-fed lever guns. It appears to be a ballistic tip made out of a flexible rubber/polymer blend (not sure of the exact composition) to cushion the impact with the primer upon recoiling into the round behind it in the magazine. Looks to be a fairly decent development in ammunition, but as of now, only available in factory loads. Hopefully, they'll be out for the reloaders among us shortly...
factory loads include: 30-30 Win. 160gr, 35 REM. 200 g, 444 Mar. 265 gr, 45-70 325 gr, 450 Mar 325 gr The 30-30 and .35 remmy loads should be on shelves shortly and the rest will be available next spring. Be fun to try out and see how it shoots.


12-12-2005, 08:42 PM
I have seen these, and the idea is pretty good. These will make a thirty-thirty into a real 150 yard or more deer rifle.
Funny thing though, where I hunt, I have never killed a deer at more than 75 yards.
Still, I am going to have to buy some, just to try them. I am sure that when they come out as components, I will load some.

12-12-2005, 08:54 PM

Link for ya guys to check out...pretty interesting....